
EECS 212: Circuit II

Fall 2014

Catalog Description: EECS 212 Circuits II (4 hours). Continued study of electrical circuits: Frequency response, steady-state power analysis, three-phase circuits, transformers, and two-port network analysis. Prerequisites: EECS 211.

Dr. Lingjia Liu, 2028 Eaton Hall and 251 Nichols Hall
Webpage: http://people.eecs.ku.edu/~lingjialiu; Email: lingjialiu@ittc.ku.edu

Time and Location: TR 2:30 - 3:45 PM, LEA 3154 - Lawrence, KS.

Office Hours: <wrap em hi> T 12:30 - 2:00 PM and 3:45 - 4:15 PM; Th 3:45 - 4:15 PM or by appointments</wrap>, 2028 Eaton Hall.

Teaching Assistant
Mr. Weizhi Shaun Chua
Webpage: http://people.eecs.ku.edu/~wchua/eecs_212_lab/; Email: weizhichua@ku.edu

Textbook: Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis, 10th edition by J. David Irwin and R. Mark Nelms, J. Wiley & Sons, 2011 (ISBN-10: 0470633220; ISBN-13: 978-0470633229)

Software: Cadence (with includes Pspice and PCB layout) is available on EECS network computers under the program heading “Cadence PSD”. A limited, Windows version of this software is included in the Pspice text.

Course Schedule: Detailed course schedule can be found <wrap em>HERE</wrap>.

Course Objective: This course is to complete the study by sophomores in electrical engineering and computer engineering of the basics of the analysis of linear electrical circuits and to provide an introduction to their design.

Prerequisites by Topics:

Course Topics:

Tools Usage:

Grading Policy:

<WRAP justify> Final letter grades are determined from the final grade scores using a scale determined by the instructor's evaluation of the overall class performance and the difficulty of the exams, but is typically similar to the traditional 90-100 A, 80-90 B, etc. A passing grade must be earned in each of the three grade categories (exams, lab, and homework) to earn a passing grade for the course. Changes announced in class supersede these written instructions. </WRAP>

Homework: <WRAP justify> Homework will be collected at the beginning of class on roughly a weekly basis. Late homework is not accepted, except for unusual circumstances. Collaboration with classmates is permitted. Copying is not permitted and will be penalized. </WRAP>

Special Needs: <WRAP justify> Any student who has a disability that demands special accommodations should contact the instructor personally in order to make arrangements. Also, members of KU sanctioned organizations (band, athletic teams, etc.) that have special needs should also contact the instructor as the need arises. </WRAP>

Make-ups: <WRAP justify> Make-up exams are given rarely, and only if: 1) I am informed IN ADVANCE, and 2) I deem the reason to be sufficiently meritorious (job interviews and pleasure trips are not). If the reason is illness, I REQUIRE documentation of the illness from a health-care professional. I do not consider a cold to be an illness. </WRAP>

Academic Misconduct: <WRAP justify> Instances of cheating [receiving/giving help] may result in expulsion from class and referral to the Dean. Cheating includes, but is not limited to: copying another exam paper, copying another homework paper, copying from solution manuals or previous students' homework papers, having another student do your work, etc. </WRAP>