Password lock a web page

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Revision as of 11:56, 29 November 2012 by Bmckagen (Talk | contribs)

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There are several different way to protect a web page. With all of these, you create a HyperText Access file (.htaccess) in the directory that you want to password protect. This file will password protect all of the files (web pages) in that directory and all files (web pages) in any subdirectories.

 (Note that the name of this file starts with a period.)

There is three ways that people usually might like to password protect a web page:

  • Creating a Username and Password that is not tied to any other authentication mechnism.
  • Using the campus PID/Password.
  • Using CVL accounts for login.

VT PID Login

AuthType Basic
AuthName "Virginia Tech ED-Auth (PID/pass)"
AuthLDAPURL  ldaps://,dc=vt,dc=edu?uupid
require user valid-user

This will change shortly when we transition to a new server

AuthType Basic
AuthBasicProvider ldap
AuthzLDAPAuthoritative Off
AuthName "Virginia Tech ED-Auth (PID/pass)"
AuthLDAPURL ldaps://,dc=vt,dc=edu?uupid
require valid-user

Creating a Username and Password

Using this method you can make up any username password pairs you want, they do not need to be tied to computer accounts or the campus PID system. Why might you want to use this? You might want to have one password for all people who want to access this web page.


AuthName "buzz off"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /home/jkh/public_html/secure/.htpasswd
require valid-user