Cadence Demo (OrCAD)

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Revision as of 08:55, 13 May 2009 by Jkh (Talk | contribs)

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Cadence's OrCAD Demo package is a SPICE tool for circuit simulation used in a number of classes. This package has a component limit (20) and a node limit (64). If you need to design a circuit with more components in it, you will need the licensed version of OrCAD.

Installing OrCAD Demo

Click here. Login with your Virginia Tech PID/password. Save the file to your desktop. This will take a few minutes to a long time depending upon the speed of your network connection. If you don't have a fast network connection at your home/apartment, it would probably be faster to go to campus and use the campus network.

Right click the ZIP file, select "Extract All...". Extract to your Desktop.

Click here.

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