Cadence Demo (OrCAD)

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Cadence's OrCAD Demo package is a SPICE tool for circuit simulation used in a number of classes. This package has a component limit (20) and a node limit (64). If you need to design a circuit with more components in it, you will need the licensed version of OrCAD.

Installing OrCAD Demo

Click here. Login with your Virginia Tech PID/password and save the file to your desktop. This will take a few minutes to a long time depending upon the speed of your network connection. We've had reports of, 15 minutes on campus, 1+ hours for DSL, and over a day for a modem. It would probably be best to go to campus and use the campus network.

Once you have downloaded this ZIP file, right click the file, select "Extract All...". Extract all of the files to your Desktop.

This is the installation directions.

After you complete the installation, there is a "fix" that needs to be done. Right click here, save to your desktop, execute this and it will fix a minor problem with the fresh install.

After the install you can delete the install folder, the ZIP file, and the orcad_fix.bat file.
