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ECE Crashplan PROe

Crashplan PROe is an automatic desktop backup solution provided as a service to ECE faculty and staff. The ECE CrashPlan PROe is a simple to use program that will securely and automatically back up your devices to the ECE file servers. Users can control and restore their backups through the desktop client or web browser interface.


  • Up to four devices per user
  • Multi-platform (Windows, OS X, Linux, Mobile)
  • Continuous, automatic backup
  • Unlimited backup space
  • Works on any network (campus, home, abroad)
  • Backup data is encrypted
  • ITAR compliant
  • Easy to use web interface to manage backups and devices, or perform restores

Getting started

  1. Create or update your ECE Account
  2. Contact the ECE IT Team to request a Crashplan account. Please include your ECE username.
  3. You will receive an email when your Crashplan PROe account is ready.
  4. Once you've installed and registered Crashplan, you can centrally manage your devices and restore files from the ECE Crashplan web interface


Please signup for before downloading the ECE Crashplan App.


  1. Download and install the CrashPlan Windows app using Hokies Auth. CrashPlan App Download


  1. Download and install the CrashPlan OS X app using Hokies Auth. CrashPlan App Download


  1. Download the Linux ECE Crashplan app.
  2. Goto your download folder and untar CrashPlanPROe_Linux.tgz
    • tar -xzvf CrashPlanPROe_Linux.tgz
  3. Goto the CrashPlanPROe-install folder and run and install with default options
  4. Crashplan should open automatically after the install is finished.
  5. If this is the first time installing Crashplan, choose the register option and fill in your ECE account information
  6. Otherwise, select the Existing option and enter your ECE account credentials



The Crashplan PROe program backs up your entire user directory every 15 minutes by default. If you have any files outside of your user directory that you wish backed up, you must add them to the list.

  1. Open the Crashplan PROe desktop interface
  2. Select the Change... button under the Files area
  3. Check any additional files or folders that you want backed up.

Restoring files

Restoring files can be done from the desktop client or the web interface.

Desktop Interface

  1. Open the Crashplan PROe program from the Start Menu (Win) or Applications folder (Mac).
  2. Select the Restore tab on the left
  3. If you have multiple devices, select the device in the "From backup destination" line.
  4. Check the files you wish to restore
  5. Important: At the bottom is a sentence describing the restore process. You can select the hyperlinks to change version, permissions, locations, and duplicate file actions.
    • Example: "Restore the 'most recent' version with 'original permissions' to 'original location' and 'overwrite' any existing files."
  6. See the below official documentation for more information (with pictures!)

Web Interface

The ECE Crashplan PROe web interface is here:

  1. Log into the web interface
  2. Select the Devices tab on the left
  3. Select the restore button on the far right of the device you wish to restore from
  4. Select the files you wish to restore, and click Restore
    • There is a 250MB limit for web restores
  5. On the lower left corner will be a link to the zipped files. Click to download.


  • Crashplan PROe encrypts your backup files by default before any data is sent to the backup server, so your data is secured in transit and at rest on the ECE backup servers. This means that Crashplan PROe is ITAR compliant.
  • There are 3 levels of encryption provided by Crashplan. The following article carefully explains all 3 options and includes a matrix for the benefits and risks of each level of encryption.