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ECE Crashplan PROe

Crashplan PROe is an automatic desktop backup solution provided as a service to ECE faculty and staff. CrashPlan PROe is simple to use, automatic, and secure. Users can control and restore their backups through a desktop client or web browser interface.


  • Up to four devices per user
  • Multi-platform (Windows, OS X, Linux, Mobile)
  • Continuous, automatic backup
  • Unlimited backup space
  • Works on any network (campus, home, abroad)
  • Backup data is encrypted
  • Easy to use web interface to manage backups and devices, or perform restores

Getting started

  1. Create or update your ECE Account
  2. Contact the ECE IT Team to request a Crashplan account. Please include your ECE username.
  3. You will receive an email when your Crashplan PROe account is ready.


Please signup for before downloading the ECE Crashplan App.


  1. Download the Windows x64 ECE Crashplan or Windows x32 ECE Crashplan app.
  2. Goto your download folder and unzip
  3. Open CrashPlanPROe-x64_Win.exe and install with default options
  4. Crashplan should open automatically after the install is finished.
  5. If this is the first time installing Crashplan, choose the register option and fill in your ECE account information
  6. Otherwise, select the Existing option and enter your ECE account credentials


  1. Download the OS X ECE Crashplan app.
  2. Goto your download folder and open CrashPlanPROe_Mac.dmg
  3. Select the Crashplan mount and install with default options
  4. Crashplan should open automatically after the install is finished.
    • Note: There is currently a bug on older OS X versions that does not display the customized text properly. Please close and reopen Crashplan to see the correct text
  5. If this is the first time installing Crashplan, choose the register option and fill in your ECE account information
  6. Otherwise, select the Existing option and enter your ECE account credentials


  1. Download the Linux ECE Crashplan app.
  2. Goto your download folder and untar CrashPlanPROe_Linux.tgz
    • tar -xzvf CrashPlanPROe_Linux.tgz
  3. Goto the CrashPlanPROe-install folder and run and install with default options
  4. Crashplan should open automatically after the install is finished.
  5. If this is the first time installing Crashplan, choose the register option and fill in your ECE account information
  6. Otherwise, select the Existing option and enter your ECE account credentials