Synopsys Tutorial: Power Estimation

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By Syed Haider
By Syed Haider
== Note ==
== Setting Up Standard Cell Library and Project Directory ==
We had a tutorial on how to use PrimeTime Power Estimation here, but we were informed that this might violate the EULA as provided by Synopsys for the University Program.
1. Download Oklahoma State University Library from
Specifically, from:
If you would like to see this tutorial, please contact
Download  the iitcells_lib_2.3.tar.gz package.
2. untar the library somewhere nice like your home directory where you will really never touch it (i.e. /home/syedh/). The Directory will be called iit_stdcells.
3. Create a project directory somewhere else. (example: mkdir /home/syedh/Project1)
In Project1 create another directory called WORK.
4. Back in Project1 directory create an empty file called: '''.synopsys_dc.setup'''
This file will specify to Synopsys and design_vision software what libraries you are using. A sample version of the file is listed below. The path after “/home/syedh/” should remain unchanged if this tutorial is being followed correctly!!!
# .synopsys_dc.setup file
# Define the target tehcnology library, symbol library,
# and link libraries
set target_library /home/syedh/iit_stdcells/lib/tsmc018/lib/iit018_stdcells.db
#do not have a symbol library
#set symbol_library
#set link library (set as same as target library)
set link_library “/home/syedh/iit_stdcells/lib/tsmc018/lib/iit018_stdcells.db *”
set designer "Your Name"
5. Copy /home/syedh/iit_stdcells/lib/tsmc018/lib/iit018_stdcells.v into Project1 Directory.
6. Now it is design time. Create verilog description of something amazing. Here is a design of a full adder and some registers that spans multiple design files (full_adder.v, top.v):
//This is a module for a 1 bit Full Adder
module full_adder(a,b, c_in, s, c_out);
input a, b, c_in;
output wire s, c_out;
assign s = a ^ b ^ c_in;
assign c_out = ((a & b)) | (c_in & (a^b));
//This contains a full adder with some registers for input and output.
`timescale 1ns/10ps
module top (clk, a, b, c_in, sum, c_out);
input clk, a, b, c_in;
output sum, c_out;
reg in_a;
reg in_b;
reg sum_reg;
reg c_out_reg;
reg c_in_reg;
full_adder fa1(.a(in_a), .b(in_b), .c_in(c_in_reg), .s(sum), .c_out(c_out));
always @(posedge clk)
in_a = a;
in_b = b;
c_in_reg = c_in;
c_out_reg = c_out;
sum_reg = sum;
7. Now it is time to create a test bench file to test the design. The things that will be highlighted in purple are system tasks that will create dumps (value change dumps) of signals in your design.
`timescale 1ns/10ps
module tb_top();
reg clk;
reg a, b, c_in;
wire c_out, sum;
//clocking description
clk = 0;
//clock period is #100
always begin
clk = ~clk;
//initialize input to full adder
initial begin
a = 0;
b = 0;
c_in = 0;
// Toggle the inputs at varying rates
//toggle carry_in
initial begin
repeat (50)
c_in <= ~c_in;
//toggle a
initial begin
repeat (25)
a <= ~a;
//toggle b and setup vcd dump
initial begin
$dumpfile("dmp_top.vcd"); //read verilog book for more info on system command
        repeat (10)
b <= ~b;
  $finish;  //ends simulation
//Module under test
top uut(.clk(clk), .a(a), .b(b), .c_in(c_in), .sum(sum), .c_out(c_out));
8. Now comes the time to create a synthesized top level design from {full_adder.v top.v}. We are interested in creating a synthesized version of “top”. At command prompt type the following:
Now a design_vision gui has started up. In this gui follow these steps:
In Menu: File --> Analyze.
A Dialog box will appear called “Analyze Designs”. Click the “Add..” button and add every design file {full_adder.v top.v}. You can do this one file at a time or all at one time by using the CTRL key to select multiple files. After adding all the files press OK.
In Menu: Design --> Elaborate.
A Dialog box will appear called “Elaborate Designs”. There will be a drop down selection menu called “Design”. In this selection menu there will be two objects listed: top(verilog) and full_adder(verilog). Make sure that top(verilog) is selected. Press OK.
Now in the Design Vision the “Hier 1” window will have objects listed in it.
In Menu: Design --> Compile. In the dialog box that shows up press OK.
In Menu: File --> Save As.  Save the design as a verilog design with a new name (ex. top_syn.v).
9. Exit the gui and in the command prompt type exit to quit out of the design_vision_xg_t shell. Then type exit again to quit Synopsys.
10. Now it is time to simulate the synthesized design, top_syn.v, with the testbench, tb_top.v. The verilog simulator program of Synopsys is called VCX. The first step is to write a script for the simulation:
#This is a script file for VCX simulator
-v ./iit018_stdcells.v
+libext+.v +nolibcell +define+VPD+SAIF+VCD+SDF
11. At command prompt type:
Now type:
vcs -f vcs_script.scr
The result of running this command is that an executable called '''simv''' is created.
12. Run simv :
13. Now the file '''dmp_top.vcd''' has been created.
14. Now we will use a tool called '''PrimeTime-Px''' to get power estimation. The following script called '''power.scr''' will be used.
set power_enable_analysis TRUE
set target_library "/home/syedh/iit_stdcells/lib/tsmc018/lib/iit018_stdcells.db"
set link_library "/home/syedh/iit_stdcells/lib/tsmc018/lib/iit018_stdcells.db *"
read_db $target_library
read_verilog top_syn.v
current_design test_inverter
read_vcd dmp_top.vcd -strip_path tb_top/uut
create_power_waveforms –output vcd
15. At the Synopsys command prompt type:
Now run the power.scr:
source power.scr
16. If all went right the output from the script should look something like this:
Total number of nets = 11
Number of annotated nets = 11 (100.00%)
Total number of leaf cells = 7
Number of fully annotated leaf cells = 7 (100.00%)
Information: The waveform options are:
                File name:      power_waves.fsdb
                File format:    fsdb
                Time interval:  0.01ns
                Hierarchical level:    all
Information: Power analysis is running, please wait ...
Information: analysis is done for time window (0ns - 5050ns)
Report : Event Based Power
Design : top
Version: Z-2007.06-SP3
Date  : Wed Feb 13 14:34:11 2008
      i  -  Including register clock pin internal power
      u  -  User defined power group
                        Internal  Switching  Leakage    Total
Power Group            Power    Power      Power      Power  (    %)  Attrs
io_pad                    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000 ( 0.00%)
memory                    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000 ( 0.00%)
black_box                  0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000 ( 0.00%)
clock_network          3.292e-06    0.0000    0.0000 3.292e-06 (58.67%)  i
register                6.722e-07 4.735e-07 4.822e-10 1.146e-06 (20.42%)
combinational          8.640e-07 3.086e-07 4.037e-10 1.173e-06 (20.90%)
sequential                0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000 ( 0.00%)
  Net Switching Power  = 7.821e-07  (13.94%)
  Cell Internal Power  = 4.828e-06  (86.05%)
  Cell Leakage Power  = 8.859e-10  ( 0.02%)
Total Power            = 5.611e-06  (100.00%)
X Transition Power    =    0.0000
Glitching Power        = 2.152e-08
Peak Power            = 4.726e-03
Peak Time              =  550.100

Latest revision as of 13:49, 18 June 2015

Power Estimation with OSU Standard Cell Library and Synopsys tools (PrimeTime-Px)

By Syed Haider

[edit] Note

We had a tutorial on how to use PrimeTime Power Estimation here, but we were informed that this might violate the EULA as provided by Synopsys for the University Program.

If you would like to see this tutorial, please contact
