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====== News: ======
**[Grant]** __January 12, 2023__: "RINGS: Learning-Enabled Ground and Air Integrated Networks (GAINs)" has been awarded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). This is a collaborative project with a total budget of **$800K**. Dr. Lingjia Liu is serving as the **PI** of the project while Prof. [[https://users.ece.cmu.edu/~yuejiec/|Yuejie Chi]] from ECE@CMU and Prof. [[https://ece.duke.edu/faculty/robert-calderbank|Robert Calderbank]] from CS/ECE@Duke are serving as the Co-PIs of the project. See news on [[https://vtx.vt.edu/articles/2023/01/eng-ece-lingjia-liu-improving-6g-for-all-nsf-grant-for-wireless-network-improvements.html|VTX]] for more details.\\
**[Grant]** __January 6, 2023__: "Efficient target recognition and classification" has been awarded. Dr. Lingjia Liu is serving as the **Co-PI** from Virginia Tech. The total budget of the project is **$100,000**.\\
===== 2022 =====
**[Paper Acceptance]** __December 29, 2022__: Our paper, //Channel Equalization Through Reservoir Computing: A Theoretical Perspective//, has been accepted to //IEEE Wireless Commun. Lett.// (**WCL**) Congratulations Shashank and Ramin! This is a collaborative work with Prof. [[https://lizhongzheng.mit.edu/|Lizhong Zheng]] from EECS@MIT.\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __December 22, 2022__: Our paper, //Federated Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning (Fed-MADRL) for Dynamic Spectrum Access//, has been accepted to //IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun.// (**TWireless**) Congratulations Hao-Hsuan and Yifei!\\
**[Best Paper Finalist]** __November 16, 2022__: Our paper, //Low-Complexity Channel Matrix Calculation for OTFS Systems With Fractional Delay and Doppler//, was recommended to be the **Best Paper Award Finalist** at MILCOM 2022. This is a collaborative work with Prof. [[https://ece.duke.edu/faculty/robert-calderbank|Robert Calderbank]] from CS/ECE@Duke.\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __November 07, 2022__: Our paper, //Distributed Learning Meets 6G: A Communication and Computing Perspective//, has been accepted to //IEEE Wireless Commun. Mag.// (**WCM**) Congratulations Shashank and Yifei!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __October 21, 2022__: Our paper, //Performance Analysis and Optimization for Layer-Based Scalable Video Caching in 6G Networks//, has been accepted to //IEEE Trans. Netw.// (**TNET**) Congratulations Shashank!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __April 28, 2022__: Our paper, //Decentralized Deep Reinforcement Learning Meets Mobility Load Balancing//, has been accepted to //IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw.// (**TNET**) Congratulations Hao-Hsuan! This is a collaborative work with [[https://www.sra.samsung.com/|Samsung Research America]].\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __April 27, 2022__: Our paper, //UAV Swarm-Enabled Aerial Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface: Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization//, has been accepted to //IEEE Trans. Commun.// (**TCOM**) Congratulations Bodong! \\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __April 20, 2022__: Our paper, //Aerial Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Meet Mobile Edge Computing//, has been accepted to //IEEE Wireless Commun.// (**WCM**) Congratulations Bodong! This is a collaborative work with Prof. [[https://ece.princeton.edu/people/h-vincent-poor|Vincent Poor]] from ECE@Princeton.\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __March 16, 2022__: Our paper, //Harnessing Tensor Structures – Multi-Mode Reservoir Computing and Its Application in Massive MIMO//, has been accepted to //IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun.// (**TWireless**) Congratulations Zhou and Jiarui! \\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __March 16, 2022__: Our paper, //Angle-based Downlink Beam Selection and User Scheduling for Massive MIMO Systems//, has been accepted to //IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun.// (**TWireless**) Congratulations Nan and Rubayet! The majority of the work is done when Nan is working as a visiting PhD student in our group.\\
**[Grant]** __March 3, 2022__: "Capturing Unknown Transmissions & Perceiving Anomalous Signal Transmissions and Emanations" has been awarded by the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA). This is a **$14 million** collaborative project led by BAE Systems. Dr. Lingjia Liu is serving as the **PI** of the sub-award for Virginia Tech and Virginia Tech's share is **$1,478,540**.\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __March 1, 2022__: Our paper, //Learning to Equalize OTFS//, has been accepted to //IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun.// (**TWireless**) Congratulations Zhou and Jiarui! This is a collaborative work with Prof. [[https://ece.duke.edu/faculty/robert-calderbank|Robert Calderbank]] from ECE/CS@Duke.\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __February 14, 2022__: Our paper, //RC-Struct: A Structure-based Neural Network Approach for MIMO-OFDM Detection//, has been accepted to //IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun.// (**TWireless**) Congratulations Jiarui and Lianjun! This is a collaborative work with Prof. [[https://lizhongzheng.mit.edu/|Lizhong Zheng]] from EECS@MIT.\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __January 20, 2022__: 3 of our papers have been accepted to //IEEE Intl Conf on Commun.// (**ICC**) 2022. The topics are ranging from //error bounds characterization for reservoir computing// to //policy-based spiking neural networks for multi-agent reinforcement learning//. Congratulations Shashank, Lianjun, and Nima!\\
===== 2021 =====
==== December 2021 ====
**[Paper Acceptance]** __December 30, 2021__: Our paper, //Reservoir Computing Meets Extreme Learning Machine in Real-Time MIMO-OFDM Receive Processing//, has been accepted to //IEEE Trans. Commun.// (**TCOM**) Congratulations Lianjun and Zhou!\\
**[Ph.D. Defense]** __December 8, 2021__: Our group member, Bodong Shang, successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation and becomes Dr. Shang. Congratulations Dr. Shang! The title of Bodong's dissertation is "Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Edge Computing in Wireless Networks". He is the **12th** Ph.D. graduated from our group. He will be working as a joint PostDoctoral Research Associate from Princeton Univresity and Virginia Tech.\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __December 3, 2021__: Our paper, //Real-time Machine Learning for Symbol Detection in MIMO-OFDM Systems//, has been accepted to //IEEE// **INFOCOM 2022**. Congratulations Donald and Lianjun!\\
**[Faculty Position]** __December 1, 2021__: Our group member, Dr. Yanjun Pan, will be joining the Computer Science and Computer Engineering (CSCE) Dept. at the University of Arkansas as a tenure-track assistant professor in Spring 2022. Congratulations Yanjun!\\
==== November 2021 ====
**[Paper Acceptance]** __November 14, 2021__: Our paper, //Resource Allocation for D2D Cellular Networks with QoS Constraints: A DC Programming-based Approach//, has been accepted to //IEEE Access//. Congratulations Hao-Hsuan!\\
==== October 2021 ====
**[Grant]** __October 21, 2021__: "Securing Multi-Edge Computing using Artificial Intelligence" has been awarded by CCI. George Mason University is the leading institution of the joint effort. Dr. Lingjia Liu is serving as the **Co-PI** from Virginia Tech. The total budget of the project is **$125,000**.\\
==== September 2021 ====
**[Paper Acceptance]** __September 29, 2021__: Our paper, //Making Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces More Intelligent: A Roadmap Through Reservoir Computing//, has been accepted to //IEEE Network Magazine// (**NETWORK**) Congratulations Zhou and Kangjun!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __September 15, 2021__: Our paper, //RC-Struct: Reservoir Computing Meets Knowledge of Structure in MIMO-OFDM//, has been accepted to //IEEE// GC Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable B5G/6G Networks (ASNet). Congratulations Jiarui, Zhou, and Lianjun!\\
==== August 2021 ====
**[Paper Acceptance]** __August 22, 2021__: Our paper, //Delay-aware Resource Allocation in Fog-assisted IoT Networks Through Reinforcement Learning//, has been accepted to //IEEE Internet Things J.// (**IOTJ**) Congratulations Qiang and Jianan!\\
**[Grant]** __August 9, 2021__: "Collaborative Research: SWIFT: Intelligent Dynamic Spectrum Access (IDEA): An Efficient Learning Approach to Enhancing Spectrum Utilization and Coexistence" has been awarded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). This is a collaborative project with a total budget of **$750K**. Dr. Lingjia Liu is serving as the **PI** from the **leading institution** of this project. [[https://people-ece.vse.gmu.edu/~ztian1/|Dr. Zhi Tian]] from [[https://ece.gmu.edu/|ECE@George Mason]] is serving as the PI from the collaborative institution.\\
**[Ph.D. Defense]** __August 3, 2021__: Our group member, Hao-Hsuan Chang, successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation and becomes Dr. Chang. Congratulations Dr. Chang! The title of Hao-Hsuan's dissertation is "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Next Generation Wireless Networks with Echo State Networks". He is the **11th** Ph.D. graduated from our group. He will be joining **Samsung Research America** as a Senior Research Engineer.\\
==== July 2021 ====
**[Paper Acceptance]** __July 21, 2021__: Our paper, //Differential Privacy Meets Federated Learning under Communication Constraints//, has been accepted to //IEEE Internet Things J.// (**IOTJ**) Congratulations Nima, Jianan, Qiang and Yifei!\\
==== June 2021 ====
**[Paper Acceptance]** __June 30, 2021__: Our paper, //UAV Swarm Enabled Aerial Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (SARIS)//, has been accepted to //IEEE Wireless Commun.// (**WCM**) Congratulations Bodong and Rubayet!\\
**[Grant]** __June 24, 2021__: "5G Low Probability of eXploitation (5G LoPX)" has been awarded by Lockheed Martin Corporation (LMCO). Dr. Lingjia Liu is serving as the **Co-PI** of the project (Dr. Daniel Jakubisin is serving as the PI). The total budget is **$300,00**.\\
**[Ph.D. Defense]** __June 21, 2021__: Our group member, Zhou (John) Zhou, successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation and becomes Dr. Zhou. Congratulations Dr. Zhou! The title of John's dissertation is "Machine Learning-Based Receiver in Multiple Input Multiple Output Communications Systems". He is the **10th** Ph.D. graduated from our group. He will be joining **Apple** as a Senior Wireless Research Engineer.\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __June 8, 2021__: Our paper, //Computing over the Space-Air-Ground Integrated Network (SAGIN): Fundamentals, Challenges and Opportunities//, has been accepted to //IEEE Netw. Mag. // Congratulations Bodong!\\
**[Grant]** __June 3, 2021__: "Overshadowing Attacks in 5G Systems: Launching and Detecting" has been awarded by CCI. Dr. Lingjia Liu is serving as the **PI** of the project. The total budget is **$50,000**.\\
**[Grant]** __June 3, 2021__: "Portable Outdoor 5G Testbed: A Resource for Wireless/Cybersecurity/UAV Research" has been awarded by CCI. Dr. Lingjia Liu is serving as the **Co-PI** of the project (Dr. Carl Dietrich is serving as the PI). The total budget is **$149,753**.\\
==== May 2021 ====
**[Paper Acceptance]** __May 28, 2021__: Our paper, //Learning-Assisted Energy-Efficient Computation Offloading for Vehicular Edge Computing Systems//, has been accepted to //IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. // (**TVT**) Congratulations Bodong!\\
**[Service]** __May 26, 2021__: Dr. Lingjia Liu has been elected as a member of Promotion and Tenure (P&T) Committee within the ECE Dept. at Virginia Tech.\\
**[Service]** __May 21, 2021__: Dr. Lingjia Liu has been elected as the Chair of Sidelink Task Force within the 5G Working Group of National Spectrum Consortium.\\
**[Grant]** __May 14, 2021__: Our group received **$80K** grant to work on Machine Learning for Adaptive OFDM Waveform Design from Samsung Research America (SRA)! Dr. Lingjia Liu is serving as the sole **PI** of this project.\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __May 14, 2021__: Our paper, //Interference Alignment Meets Multi-cell Multi-user Massive FD-MIMO Systems in DoA-based Precoding//, has been accepted to //IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. // (**TWireless**) Congratulations Nan and Rubayet!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __May 9, 2021__: Our paper, //Reliability versus Latency for Random Network Coding-Enabled Networks//, has been accepted to //IEEE Commun. Lett.// Congratulations Bodong, Antonio and Bowen!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __May 3, 2021__: Our paper, //Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning Meets Random Access in Massive Cellular Internet of Things (IoT)//, has been accepted to //IEEE Internet Things J.// (**IOTJ**) Congratulations Jianan and Antonio!\\
==== April 2021 ====
**[Grant]** __April 23, 2021__: "Distributed Coherent MIMO Communications" has been awarded by NSC. Dr. Lingjia Liu is serving as the sole **PI** of the project from Virginia Tech. The total budget is **$466,074**. This is part of **$13 million** [[https://vtnews.vt.edu/articles/2021/03/cci-smartwarehouse-contract.html|CCI 5G project]]. \\
**[Promotion]** __April 23, 2021__: Dr. Lingjia Liu has been promoted to [[https://vtx.vt.edu/articles/2021/06/provost-promotion-tenure-bov-2021.html?utm_source=cmpgn_news&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=vtUnirelNewsDailyCMP_060921-fs|Professor at Virginia Tech]].\\
**[Invited Talk]** __April 23, 2021__: Dr. Lingjia Liu is invited to give a seminar on the topic of "AI-Inspired Wireless Communications: Reservoir Computing Meets MIMO-OFDM" to Prof. [[https://ece.princeton.edu/people/andrea-goldsmith|Andrea Goldsmith]]'s group in both Princeton and Stanford.\\
**[Dean's Award]** __April 22, 2021__: Dr. Lingjia Liu has been selected to receive the //[[https://eng.vt.edu/about/faculty-awards-and-distinctions/deans-awards.html|Dean's Award for Excellence in Research]]// from the College of Engineering.\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __April 4, 2021__: Our paper, //Cooperative Caching in HetNets with Mutual Information Accumulation//, has been accepted to //IEEE Netw. Lett.// Congratulations to Junchao and Bodong!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __April 2, 2021__: Our paper, //Spatial-Temporal Hybrid Neural Network with Computing-in-Memory Architecture//, has been accepted to //IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I.// (**TCAS-I**)!\\
**[Summer Intern]** __April 1, 2021__: Our group members, Lianjun Li, Yibin (Donald) Liang, Bodong Shang, and Shashank Jere will start their research intern positions in Samsung Research America (Plano, TX Office), Samsung Research America (Mountain View, CA Office), Nokia Bell Labs, and Intel Labs. Wish them a nice and productive summer of 2021.\\
==== March 2021 ====
**[Grant]** __March 26, 2021__: "Scalable Top-down Security Design for 5G Networks" has been awarded by Deloitte. Dr. Lingjia Liu is serving as the **Co-PI** of the project (Dr. Ying Wang is serving as the PI). The total budget is **$400,000**.\\
**[Grant]** __March 8, 2021__: "Enhancing 5G Wireless Network Security with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces" has been awarded by CCI. George Mason University is the leading institution of the joint effort. Dr. Lingjia Liu is serving as the **PI** from Virginia Tech. The total budget of the project is **$220,000**.\\
==== February 2021 ====
**[Ph.D. Defense]** __Feb 25, 2021__: Our group member, Hao (Antonio) Song, successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation and becomes Dr. Song. Congratulations Dr. Song! The title of Antonio's dissertation is "Swarm Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Networks in Wireless Communications: Routing Protocol, Multicast, and Data Exchange". He is the **9th** Ph.D. graduated from our group. He will be joining **Intel Research** as a Research Scientist.\\
==== January 2021 ====
**[New Member]** __January 10, 2021__: Yifei joined our group as a PhD student. Welcome on board!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __January 6, 2021__: Our paper, //A Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Spectrum Management in Dynamic Spectrum Access//, has been accepted to //IEEE Internet Things J.// (**IOTJ**) Congratulations Antonio!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __January 4, 2021__: Our paper, //RCNet: Incorporating Structural Information into Deep RNN for Online MIMO-OFDM Symbol Detection with Limited Training//, has been accepted to //IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun.// (**TWireless**). Congratulations Zhou and Shashank!\\
===== 2020 =====
==== December 2020 ====
**[Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship]** __December 18, 2020__: Two of our group's teams have been selected for full proposal for [[https://www.qualcomm.com/research/research/university-relations/innovation-fellowship/2021-north-america|Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship (QIF)]]. The topics are "A Sample-Efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for 5G Dynamic Spectrum Access and Dynamic Spectrum Sharing" and "Deep Reinforcement Learning Meets Resource Allocation in Radio Access Network (RAN) Slicing". Only three teams from Virginia Tech are selected to move to the full proposal stage and two of them are from our group! Congratulations Hao-Hsuan, Jiarui, Emad and Nima!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __December 14, 2020__: Our paper, //Energy Efficient MIMO-OFDM Spectrum Sensing Using Deep Stacked Spiking Delayed Feedback Reservoir Computing//, has been accepted to //IEEE Trans. Green Commun. and Netw.// (**TGCN**). Congratulations Kian!\\
**[Grant]** __December 14, 2020__: "Open Programmable Secure 5G (OPS-5G)" has been awarded by DARPA. Perspecta Labs is leading the effort. Dr. Lingjia Liu is serving as the **Co-PI** of the subcontract from Virginia Tech (Dr. Haining Wang is serving as the PI). VT's share is **$457,659**.\\
**[M.S. Defense]** __December 10, 2020__: Our group member, Jianan Bai, successfully defended his M.S. thesis. Congratulations Jianan! \\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __December 4, 2020__: Our paper, //Enhanced Flooding-Based Routing Protocol for Swarm UAV Networks: Random Network Coding Meets Clustering//, has been accepted to //IEEE// **INFOCOM 2021**. Congratulations Antonio and Bodong!\\
==== November 2020 ====
**[Paper Acceptance]** __November 28, 2020__: Our paper, //A Cost-Efficient Digital ESN Architecture on FPGA for OFDM Symbol Detection//, has been accepted to //ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems// (**JETC**). Congratulations Donald and Lianjun!\\
**[Grant]** __November 17, 2020__: "Agile Waveform Design for Communication Networks in Contested Environments" has been awarded as a University Center of Excellence (UCoE) by AFRL/AFOSR. [[https://ece.duke.edu/faculty/robert-calderbank|Dr. Robert Calderbank]] is the leading PI and Duke University is the leading institution. The UCoE will have 8 researchers from Duke, ASU, CMU, CSU, Princeton, and Virginia Tech. Dr. Lingjia Liu is serving as the **PI** from the Virginia Tech and will be serving on the **Steering Committee** of the UCoE. VT's share is **$1,181,001**. News release from Duke can be found [[https://pratt.duke.edu/about/news/afosr-coe|here]].\\
**[Grant]** __November 17, 2020__: "5G Enabled Smart Farms through Secure and Intelligent Wireless Sensors" has been awarded by Commonwealth Cyber Initiative (CCI) under Southwest Virginia Research, Innovation, & Workforce Development Program. Dr. Lingjia Liu is serving as the Co-PI of this project and Dr. Hwajung (Joan) Lee from Radford University is serving as the PI of the project.\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __November 13, 2020__: Our paper, //A Cross-Layer Optimization Framework for Distributed Computing in IoT Networks//, has been accepted to //ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing EdgeComm Workshop//. Congratulations Bodong!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __November 13, 2020__: Our paper, //Quantized Reservoir Computing on Edge Devices for Communication Applications//, has been accepted to //ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing EdgeComm Workshop//. C\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __November 3, 2020__: Our paper, //Learning with Knowledge of Structure: A Neural Network-Based Approach for MIMO-OFDM Detection//, has been accepted to //Asilomar 2021//. Congratulations Zhou and Shashank!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __November 3, 2020__: Our paper, //Learning for Integer-Constrained Optimization through Neural Networks with Limited Training//, has been accepted to //NeurIPS Learning Meets Combinatorial Algorithms (LMCA) Workshop//. Congratulations Zhou and Shashank!\\
==== October 2020 ====
**[ExComm of NSC]** __October 5, 2020__: Dr. Lingjia Liu has been elected to the [[https://www.nationalspectrumconsortium.org/about-us-2/leadership/|Executive Committee]] of [[https://www.nationalspectrumconsortium.org/|National Spectrum Consortium]]! \\
==== September 2020 ====
**[Paper Acceptance]** __September 24, 2020__: Our paper, //Deep Echo State Q-Network (DEQN) and Its Application in Dynamic Spectrum Sharing for 5G and Beyond//, has been accepted to //IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. & Learning Syst.// (**TNNLS**) Congratulations Hao-Hsuan!\\
**[Qualcomm Academic Lecture]** __September 16, 2020__: Dr. Lingjia Liu delivered an invited Academic Lecture to Qualcomm on the title of "Brain-Inspired Wireless Communications: Reservoir Computing Meets MIMO-OFDM"!\\
==== August 2020 ====
**[Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship]** __August 28, 2020__: Donald and Kangjun have been selected to received the prestigious [[https://www.qualcomm.com/invention/research/university-relations/innovation-fellowship/2020-north-america|Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship (QIF)]] with a grant of **$100K**. Congratulations Donald and Kangjun!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __August 26, 2020__: Our paper, //Random Network Coding Enabled Routing Protocol in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Networks//, has been accepted to //IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun.// (**TWireless**) Congratulations Antonio!\\
**[New Member]** __August 10, 2020__: Nima and Jiarui joined our group as PhD students. Welcome on board!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __August 04, 2020__: Our paper, //Spatial Spectrum Sensing in Uplink Two-Tier User-Centric Deployed HetNets//, has been accepted to //IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun.// (**TWireless**) Congratulations Bodong!\\
==== July 2020 ====
**[Paper Acceptance]** __July 24, 2020__: Our paper, //On the Fundamental Tradeoffs between Video Freshness and Video Quality in Real-time Applications//, has been accepted to //IEEE Internet Things J.// (**IOTJ**) Congratulations Junchao and Antonio!\\
==== June 2020 ====
**[EdgeComm]** __June 21, 2020__: Dr. Lingjia Liu will be serving as the Workshop co-Chair of the 1st International Workshop on Edge Computing and Communications (EdgeComm), in conjunction with the 5th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC 2020). The webpage of the workshop can be found [[https://acm-ieee-sec.org/2020/edgecom.php|here]]. Please consider submitting your contributions!\\
**[Visitor Return]** __June 4, 2020__: Nan Qu finished her visit in our group and returned back to China. All the best to Nan!\\
==== May 2020 ====
**[Grant]** __May 26, 2020__: "Collaborative Research: MLWiNS: Deep Neural Networks Meet Physical Layer Communications – Learning with Knowledge of Structure" has been awarded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and Intel under grant NSF/CNS-2003059. This is a medium collaborative project with a total budget of **$810K**. Dr. Lingjia Liu is serving as the **PI** from the **leading institution** of this project. [[https://lizhongzheng.mit.edu/|Dr. Lizhong Zheng]] from [[https://www.eecs.mit.edu/|EECS@MIT]] is serving as the PI from the collaborative institution.\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __May 19, 2020__: Our paper, //MIMO Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio-Based Internet of Things//, has been accepted to //IEEE Internet Things J.// (**IOTJ**) Congratulations Mingqian!\\
**[Summer Intern]** __May 18, 2020__: Our group members, Lianjun Li, Hao (Antonio) Song, and Zhou Zhou will start their research intern positions in Samsung Research America and Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab. Wish them a nice and productive summer of 2020.\\
**[Grant]** __May 15, 2020__: "Preliminary Research and Multi-University Proposal Development for Efficient Measurement of Spectrum Sharing and Cognitive Radio Network Intelligence and Performance" has been awarded by Commonwealth Cyber Initiative (CCI) under Southwest Virginia Collaboration Grant. Dr. Lingjia Liu is serving as the Co-PI of this project and Dr. Carl Dietrich is serving as the PI of the project.\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __May 14, 2020__: Our paper, //3D Spectrum Sharing for Hybrid D2D and UAV Networks//, has been accepted to //IEEE Trans. Commun.// (**TCOM**) Congratulations Bodong!\\
**[Ph.D. Defense]** __May 12, 2020__: Our group member, Kian Hamedani, successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation and becomes Dr. Hamedani. Congratulations Dr. Hamedani! The title of Kian's dissertation is "Energy Efficient Deep Spiking Recurrent Neural Networks: A Reservoir Computing-Based Approach". He is the **8th** Ph.D. graduated from our group.\\
**[Best Paper Award]** __May 2, 2020__: Our paper, //Reservoir Computing Meets Wi-Fi in Software Radios: Neural Network-based Symbol Detection using Training Sequences and Pilots//, received **Charles K. Kao Best Paper Award** at //The 29th Wireless and Optical Communications Conference// (WOCC 2020). This is a joint collaboration among our group, Samsung Research America, and Air Force Research Laboratory. Congratulations Lianjun!\\
**[Grant]** __May 1, 2020__: Our group received **$80K** support to work on //AI-Enabled Wireless: From Receive Processing to Multi-user Scheduling// from Samsung Research America (SRA)! Dr. Lingjia Liu is serving as the sole PI of this project.\\
==== April 2020 ====
**[Paper Acceptance]** __April 20, 2020__: Our paper, //Moving Toward Intelligence: Detecting Symbols on 5G Systems Through Deep Echo State Network//, has been accepted to //IEEE Trans. Emerg. Sel. Topics Circuits Syst// (**ETCAS**) Congratulations Kangjun, Zhou, and Shashank!\\
==== March 2020 ====
**[Paper Acceptance]** __March 30, 2020__: Our paper, //Accelerating Model Free Reinforcement Learning with Imperfect Model Knowledge in Dynamic Spectrum Access//, has been accepted to //IEEE Internet Things J.// (**IOTJ**) Congratulations Lianjun, Jianan, and Hao-Hsuan!\\
**[Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship]** __March 27, 2020__: Donald and Kangjun's abstract on "A Low-Power Hybrid Neural Processing Architecture for Mobile Edge Itelligent Computing" has been selected as the **Finalist** for Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship (QIF). Congratulations Donald and Kangjun!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __March 27, 2020__: Our paper, //Mobile Edge Computing in the Sky: A Hybrid Air and Ground Network//, has been accepted to //IEEE Internet Things J.// (**IOTJ**) Congratulations Bodong!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __March 4, 2020__: Our paper, //Scalable Video Transmission in Cache-aided Device-to-Device Networks//, has been accepted to //IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun.// (**TWireless**) Congratulations Junchao, Antonio, Rubayet and Bodong!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __March 3, 2020__: Our paper, //Spectrum Sharing for UAV Communications: Spatial Spectrum Sensing and Open Issues//, has been accepted to //IEEE Veh. Technol. Mag.// (**VTM**) Congratulations Bodong!\\
==== February 2020 ====
**[Ph.D. Defense]** __February 25, 2020__: Our group member, Rubayet Shafin, successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation and become Dr. Shafin. Congratulations Dr. Shafin! The title of Rubayet's dissertation is "3D Massive MIMO and Artificial Intelligence for Next Generation Wireless Networks". He is the **7th** Ph.D. graduated from our group.\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __February 20, 2020__: Our paper, //Self-Tuning Sectorization: Deep Reinforcement Learning Meets Broadcast Beam Optimization//, has been accepted to //IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun.// (**TWireless**) Congratulations Rubayet!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __February 09, 2020__: Our paper, //Learning for Detection: MIMO-OFDM Symbol Detection through Downlink Pilots//, has been accepted to //IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun.// (**TWireless**) Congratulations Zhou and Hao-Hsuan!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __February 05, 2020__: Our paper, //Superimposed Pilot for Multi-Cell Multi-User Massive FD-MIMO Systems//, has been accepted to //IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun.// (**TWireless**) Congratulations Rubayet!\\
==== January 2020 ====
**[Visitor Return]** __January 20, 2020__: Hongxia Zhang finished her visit in our group and returned back to China. All the best to Hongxia!\\
**[Spring Intern]** __January 6, 2020__: Our group member, Zhou Zhou, starts a research internship position in the Standards and Mobility Innovation Lab. of Samsung Research America. He will work with top-notched researchers for Spring 2020 on machine learning for cellular networks.\\
===== 2019 =====
==== December 2019 ====
**[Paper Acceptance]** __December 24, 2019__: Our paper, //Deep Residual Learning Meets OFDM Channel Estimation//, has been accepted to //IEEE Wireless Commun. Lett.// (**WCL**) Congratulations Lianjun and Hao-Hsuan!\\
**[Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship]** __December 23, 2019__: Donald and Kangjun's abstract on "A Low-Power Hybrid Neural Processing Architecture for Mobile Edge Itelligent Computing" has been selected for full proposal for Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship (QIF). Congratulations Donald and Kangjun!\\
**[Rubayet]** __December 16, 2019__: Rubayet Shafin received multiple offers from leading industrial research centers and decided to join the Standards and Mobility Innovation Lab of Samsung Research America as a Senior Researcher on Machine Learning for Wireless Networks. Congratulations Rubayet!\\
**[Visitor from GMU]** __December 5, 2019__: Dr. Lingjia Liu hosted the visit of Dr. Yue Wang from ECE@GMU to our group.\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __December 5, 2019__: Our paper, //Cost Minimization in Multi-Path Communication under Throughput and Maximum Delay Constraints//, has been accepted to **INFOCOM 2020** (acceptance rate: 19.8%). \\
**[New Member]** __December 2, 2019__: Dr. Qiang Fan joined our group as a PostDoctoral Research Associate. Welcome on board!\\
==== November 2019 ====
**[Paper Acceptance]** __November 10, 2019__: 2 of our papers, //Deep Reservoir Computing Meets 5G MIMO-OFDM Systems in Symbol Detection//, and //Deep Spiking Delayed Feedback Reservoirs and Its Application in Spectrum Sensing of MIMO-OFDM Dynamic Spectrum Sharing//, have been accepted to **AAAI 2020** (acceptance rate: 20.6%). Congratulations Zhou and Kian!\\
**[SPCOM TC]** __November 9, 2019__: Dr. Lingjia Liu has been elected to the //IEEE// Signal Processing for Communications and Networking (SPS SPCOM) Technical Committee (TC) for a 3-year term, effective January 1, 2020.\\
**[Presentation]** __November 9, 2019__: Dr. Lingjia Liu attended the 2nd Workshop on Computing Architecture for Edge Computing in conjunction of ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing. He gave a presentation on "Machine Learning Enabled Distributed Mobile Edge Computing Network".\\
**[Visitor Return]** __November 8, 2019__: Mingqian Liu and Junchao Ma finished their visits in our group and returned back to China. All the best to Mingqian and Junchao!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __November 4, 2019__: Our paper, //Signal Estimation in Underlay Cognitive Networks for Industrial Internet of Things//, has been accepted to //IEEE Trans. Ind. Informat.// (**TII**) Congratulations Mingqian!\\
==== October 2019 ====
**[Kickoff]** __October 22, 2019__: Dr. Lingjia Liu attended the DARPA/NSF **Real-Time Machine Learning** (RTML) Kickoff Meeting in Arlington VA. Dr. Lingjia Liu gave a presentation on "RTML: Achieving Real-time and Energy-efficient Computing for 5G Networks (ARTEN): A Deep Reservoir Computing Approach".\\
**[M.S. Defense]** __October 21, 2019__: Our group member, Hao Song, successfully defended his M.S. thesis. Congratulations Hao! \\
**[M.S. Defense]** __October 18, 2019__: Our group member, Zhou Zhou, successfully defended his M.S. thesis. Congratulations Zhou! \\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __October 7, 2019__: Our paper, //Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Cellular Networks: A Critical Path to Beyond-5G and 6G//, has been accepted to //IEEE Wireless Commun. Mag.//\\
==== September 2019 ====
**[Invited Talk]** __September 20, 2019__: Dr. Lingjia Liu is invited to give a seminar on the topic of "Enabling Technologies for 5G and 6G: From Massive FD-MIMO to Brain-Inspired Wireless" in the ECE Department at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU).\\
**[Grant]** __September 19, 2019__: "RTML: Small: Achieving Real-Time and Energy-efficient Computing for 5G Networks (ARTEN): A Deep Reservoir Computing Approach" has been awarded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under grant NSF/CCF-1937487. This is a small project with a total budget of **$500K**. Dr. Lingjia Liu is serving as the Co-PI of this project and Dr. Yang Yi is serving as the PI of the project.\\
**[New Member]** __September 16, 2019__: Dr. Hussein Saad joined our group as a Research Assistant Professor. Welcome on board!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __September 1, 2019__: Our paper, //Machine Learning Meets Point Process: Spatial Spectrum Sensing in User-Centric Networks//, has been accepted to //IEEE Wireless Commun. Lett.//. Congratulations Bodong!\\
==== August 2019 ====
**[Course F'19]** __August 27, 2019__: Dr. Lingjia Liu is teaching ECE 4634 Digital Commun. in Fall 2019.\\
**[Fall Intern]** __August 26, 2019__: Our group member, Hao-Hsuan Chang, received a research internship offer from Samsung Research America. He is going to work with top-notched researchers for Fall 2019 on the topic of machine learning for cellular networks.\\
**[New Member]** __August 19, 2019__: Mr. Shashank Jere, Mr. Yibin (Donald) Liang, and Mr. Sihang (Daniel) Li joined our group as Ph.D. students. Mr. Bowen Xu joined our group as a M.S. student. Welcome on board!!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __August 18, 2019__: Our paper, //Enhancing LAA Co-existence Using MIMO Under Imperfect Sensing//, has been accepted to //IEEE Global Commun. Conf. Workshop on Advancements in Spectrum Sharing//. Congratulations Susanna!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __August 11, 2019__: Our paper, //FD-MIMO via Pilot-Data Superposition: Tensor-based DoA Estimation and System Performance//, has been accepted to //IEEE J. Sel. Topics Signal Process.//. Congratulations Zhou!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __August 8, 2019__: Our paper, //Train-centric CBTC Meets Age of Information in Train-to-Train Communications//, has been accepted to //IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst.//. Congratulations Xiaoxuan!\\
==== July 2019 ====
**[Paper Submission]** __July 18, 2019__: Check out our joint position paper submitted with Samsung Research America, //[[https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.07862|Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Cellular Networks: A Critical Path to Beyond-5G and 6G]]//. \\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __July 18, 2019__: **All of our three submissions** to //IEEE Global Commun. Conf.// (GLOBECOM) 2019 are accepted. The title of these papers are //Spatial Spectrum Sensing-Based D2D Communications in User-Centric Deployed HetNets//, //Random Network Coding Enabled Routing in Swarm Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Networks//, and //Maximizing System Throughput in D2D Networks using Alternative DC Programming//. Congratulations Bodong, Antonio, and Hao-Hsuan!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __July 17, 2019__: Our paper, //Cache-aided Cooperative Device-to-Device (D2D) Networks: A Stochastic Geometry View//, has been accepted to **IEEE Trans. Commun.**. Congratulations Junchao and Bodong!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __July 12, 2019__: Our paper, //Artificial Intelligence Enabled Internet of Things: Network Architecture and Spectrum Access//, has been accepted to **IEEE Comput. Intell. Mag**. Congratulations Antonio and Jianan!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __July 1, 2019__: Our paper, //Joint Security and QoS Provisioning in Train-centric CBTC Systems Under Sybil Attacks//, has been accepted to **IEEE Access**. Congratulations Xiaoxuan!\\
==== June 2019 ====
**[Paper Submission]** __June 25, 2019__: Check out our submission, //[[https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.01516|Learn to Demodulate: MIMO-OFDM Symbol Detection through Downlink Pilots]]//.\\
**[Paper Submission]** __June 25, 2019__: Check out our submission, //[[https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.11318|Content-Based User Association and MIMO Operation over Cached Cloud-RAN Networks
**[Paper Acceptance]** __June 24, 2019__: Our paper, //Improved T2T based Communication-Based Train Control Systems Through Cooperated Security Check//, has been accepted to //IEEE Intell. Transp. Syst. Conf.// (ITSC) 2019. Congratulations Xiaoxuan!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __June 19, 2019__: Our paper, //Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Meets Vehicle-to-Everything in Secure Communications//, has been accepted to **IEEE Commun. Mag.** Congratulations Bodong and Junchao!\\
**[Paper Submission]** __June 14, 2019__: Check out our submission, //[[https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.06021|Self-Tuning Sectorization: Deep Reinforcement Learning Meets Broadcast Beam Optimization]]//.\\
==== May 2019 ====
**[Paper Acceptance]** __May 26, 2019__: Our paper, //Energy-Efficient Wireless Communications: From Energy Modeling to Performance Evaluation//, has been accepted to **IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol.**
Congratulations Farhad!\\
**[Summer Intern]** __May 20, 2019__: Our group members, Lianjun Li, Kian Hamedani, and Hao (Antonio) Song, will start their research intern positions in Samsung Research America, Adobe, and Nokia Bell Labs. Wish them a nice and productive summer of 2019.\\
**[Ph.D. Defense]** __May 13, 2019__: Our group member, Hayder Almosa, successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation and become Dr. Almosa. Congratulations Dr. Almosa! The title of Hayder's dissertation is "Downlink Achievable Rate Analysis for FDD Massive MIMO Systems". He is the **6th** Ph.D. graduated from our group.\\
==== April 2019 ====
**[Editorship]** __April 24, 2019__: Dr. Lingjia Liu has been reappointed as an Editor of the //IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun.//(TWireless) serving in the area of "Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence".\\
**[Ph.D. Defense]** __April 17, 2019__: Our group member, Farhad Mahmood, successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation and become Dr. Mahmood. Congratulations Dr. Mahmood! The title of Farhad's dissertation is "Modeling and Analysis of Energy Efficiency in Wireless Handset Transceiver Systems". He is the **5th** Ph.D. graduated from our group.\\
==== February 2019 ====
**[Visitors from GIRD]** __February 28, 2019__: Dr. Lingjia Liu hosted the visitors from GIRD Systems for a one-day project review on "Digital Beam-forming and Interference Mitigation for MIMO Systems".\\
**[Visitors from AFRL]** __February 27, 2019__: Dr. Lingjia Liu hosted the visitors from the Information Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory for a one-day project review on "Cooperative Routing Meets Swarm UAVs".\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __February 21, 2019__: Our paper, //Deep Q-Network Based Power Allocation Meets Reservoir Computing in Distributed Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks//, has been accepted to //IEEE// INFOCOM'19 Workshop on //Wireless Communications and Networking in Extreme Environments// (WCNEE). Congratulations to Hao and Hao-Hsuan!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __February 3, 2019__: Our paper, //Low Latency Scalable Point Cloud Communication in VANETs using V2I Communication//, has been accepted to //IEEE Intl. Conf. on Commun.// (ICC) 2019. Congratulations to Junchao, Rubayet Shafin, Jinan Bai, and Lianjun!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __February 1, 2019__: Our paper, //Detecting Dynamic Attacks in Smart Grids using Reservoir Computing: A Spiking Delayed Feedback Reservoir-Based Approach//, has been accepted to **IEEE Trans. Emerg. Topics in Comput. Intell.** (Special Issue on Big Data and Computational Intelligence for Agile Wireless IoT). Congratulations Kian!\\
==== January 2019 ====
**[Paper Acceptance]** __January 25, 2019__: Our paper, //Delay-Sensitive Communications over IR-HARQ: Modulation, Coding Latency, and Reliability//, has been accepted to **IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun.** (Special Issue on URLLC in Wireless Networks). Congratulations Cenk!\\
**[Course S'19]** __January 21, 2019__: Dr. Lingjia Liu is teaching ECE 3614 Intro. to Commun. Systems in Spring 2019.\\
**[New Member]** __January 20, 2019__: Dr. Hongxia Zhang joined our group as a visiting scholar. Dr. Zhang came to Virginia Tech from China University of Petroleum. Welcome on board Hongxia!\\
**[New Member]** __January 10, 2019__: Mr. Bodong Shang joined our group as a Ph.D. student. Welcome on board Bodong!! \\
===== 2018 =====
==== December 2018 ====
**[New Member]** __December 26, 2018__: Miss Nan Qu joined our group as a visiting student. Miss Nan Qu came to Virginia Tech from Xidian University. Welcome on board Nan!\\
**[Grant]** __December 20, 2018__: Our group received **$80K** support for conducting research on beyond 5G and 6G cellular networks from Samsung Research America (SRA)! \\
**[Ph.D. Defense]** __December 19, 2018__: Our group member, Susanna Mosleh, successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation and become Dr. Mosleh. Congratulations **Dr. Mosleh**! The title of Susanna's dissertation is //Resource Allocation in Multi-user MIMO Networks: Interference Management and Cooperative Communications//. She is the **4th** Ph.D. graduated from our group.\\
**[Best Paper Award]** __December 13, 2018__: Our paper, //Next Generation Train-Centric Communication-based Train Control System with Train-to-Train (T2T) Communications// received **Best Student Paper Award** at //IEEE Intl Conf. on Intell. Rail Transp.// 2018. Congratulations Xiaoxuan!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __December 12, 2018__: Our paper, //QoS-Aware D2D Cellular Networks with Spatial Spectrum Sensing: A Stochastic Geometry View//, has been accepted to **IEEE Trans. Commun.** Congratulations to Hao!\\
==== November 2018 ====
**[Visitors from UVa]** __November 30, 2018__: Dr. Lingjia Liu hosted the visit of [[https://engineering.virginia.edu/faculty/nikolaos-sidiropoulos|Dr. Nikos Sidiropoulos]], Louis T. Rader Professor and Chair of ECE@UVa, to our group and ECE@VT. \\
**[Visitor Return]**__November 6, 2018__: Mr. Xiaoxuan Wang finished his one-year visit in our group and returned back to China. All the best Xiaoxuan!\\
**[New Member]** __November 4, 2018__: Dr. Mingqian (Kevin) Liu joined our group as a visiting scholar. Kevin came to Virginia Tech from Xidian University. Welcome on board!\\
**[Editorship]** __November 1, 2018__: Dr. Lingjia Liu has been invited to serve on the Editorial Board of **IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. and Learn. Systems.**\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __November 1, 2018__: Our paper, Multi-Cell Multi-User Massive FD-MIMO: Downlink Precoding and Throughput Analysis, has been accepted to **IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun.** Congratulations Rubayet!\\
**[Best Paper Award]** __November 1, 2018__: Our paper, Realizing Green Symbol Detection Via Reservoir Computing: An Energy-Efficiency Perspective, received the //IEEE// Technical Committee on Green Communications & Computing (TCGCC)'s **Best Conference Paper Award**. This paper also received the //IEEE// TAOS Best Paper Award in //IEEE// ICC 2018!\\
==== October 2018 ====
**[News Release]** __October 30, 2018__: Virginia Tech Daily News features our research on [[https://vtnews.vt.edu/articles/2018/09/eng-ece-wireless-communications.html|applying reservoir computing on wireless communications]]!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __October 26, 2018__: "Big Data Meet Cyber-Physical Systems: A Panoramic Survey" has been accepted to //IEEE Access//. Congratulations Rachad!\\
**[Grant]** __October 18, 2018__: "Digital Beam-forming and Interference Mitigation for MIMO Systems" has been awarded by National Spectrum Consortium as a part of the "Robust and Reprogrammable Payload for Utilization of Contested Spectrum (RRPUCS)" Program. The total budget of this project is **$1,575,397**. Dr. Lingjia Liu is serving as the **PI** and Dr. Mike Buehrer is serving as the co-PI of this project.\\
**[Grant]** __October 1, 2018__: "Cooperative Routing Meets Swarm UAVs" has been awarded by the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) under grant FA8750-18-1-0175. The total budget of this project is **$333K**. Dr. Lingjia Liu is serving as the **sole PI** of this project.\\
==== September 2018 ====
**[Paper Acceptance]** __September 14, 2018__: Our paper, //Distributive Dynamic Spectrum Access through Deep Reinforcement Learning: A Reservoir Computing Based Approach//, has been accepted to the __Special Issue on AI-Enabled Cognitive Communication__ of **IEEE Internet Things J**. Congratulations Hao-Hsuan and Antonio!\\
==== August 2018 ====
**[Course F'18]** __August 20, 2018__: Dr. Lingjia Liu is teaching [[https://canvas.vt.edu/courses/77999|ECE 6604 MIMO Communications]] for Fall 2018.\\
**[New Member]** __August 10, 2018__: Mr. Lianjun Li joined our group as a Ph.D. student. Welcome on board Lianjun!\\
**[Visitors from AFRL]** __August 8, 2018__: Dr. Lingjia Liu hosted visitors from Air Force Research Laboratory to the ECE@Virginia Tech.\\
==== July 2018 ====
**[Code Release]** __July 30, 2018__: First release of our code on Brain-Inspired Computing Meets MIMO-OFDM can be found [[https://github.com/JohnJohnZhou/ESN_MIMO_v1|here]].\\
**[Visitors from InterDigital]** __July 30, 2018__: Dr. Lingjia Liu hosted the visit of Dr. Liangping Ma from InterDigital to our group and Wireless@Virginia Tech. Dr. Liangping gave a presentation to the ECE@VT on 5G as an //IEEE// ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer.\\
**[New Member]** __July 26, 2018__: Mr. Jianan Bai joined our group as a Ph.D. student. Welcome on board Jianan!\\
==== June 2018 ====
**[Paper Acceptance]** __June 28, 2018__: Our paper, E//nhancing Communication-Based Train Control Systems Through Train-to-Train Communications//, has been accepted to **IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst**. Congratulations to Xiaoxuan!\\
**[Workshop]** __June 12, 2018__: Dr. Lingjia Liu will be serving as the Workshop co-Chair of the 1st International Workshop on 5G Communication, Security and Privacy in Smart Cities, in conjunction with the 4th //IEEE// Annual International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2 2018). The webpage of the workshop can be found [[http://sites.ieee.org/isc2-2018/workshops/5g-security-and-privacy/|here]]. Please consider submitting your contributions!\\
==== April 2018 ====
**[Workshop]** __May 31, 2018__: Dr. Lingjia Liu will be serving as the Workshop co-Chair of //IEEE// International Workshop on 5G and Beyond for Industrial Internet, in conjunction with //IEEE// International Conference on Industrial Internet (ICII) 2018. The webpage of the workshop can be found [[https://computing.ece.vt.edu/~lingjialiu/IEEE-ICII-WS5GII.htm|here]]. Please consider submitting your contributions!\\
**[Best Paper Award]** __May 22, 2018__: Dr. Lingjia Liu, Dr. John Matyjas (Air Force Research Lab), Dr. Jonathan Ashdown (Air Force Research Laboratory), and Mr. Rubayet Shafin attended the //IEEE// TAOS Best Paper Award Ceremony in //IEEE// ICC 2018.\\
==== April 2018 ====
**[Presentation]** __April 27, 2018__: Dr. Lingjia Liu presented an overview of his work at Wireless@Virginia Tech Annual Research Symposium.\\
**[Visitor from MIT]** __April 13, 2018__: Dr. Lingjia Liu hosted the visit of [[https://lizhongzheng.mit.edu/|Dr. Lizhong Zheng]] from EECS@MIT to our group and ECE@VT.\\
**[Best Paper Award]** __April 02, 2018__: Our paper, //Realizing Green Symbol Detection Via Reservoir Computing: An Energy-Efficiency Perspective//, received the //IEEE// Transmission, Access, and Optical Systems (TAOS) Technical Committee's Award for **Best Paper** in the //IEEE// ICC Green Communications Systems and Networks (GCSN) Symposium. This is a joint work between ECE@VT and the Information Directorate of Air Force Research Laboratory. Congratulations to Rubayet!\\
==== March 2018 ====
**[Workshop]** __March 30, 2018__: Dr. Lingjia Liu will be serving as the Workshop co-Chair of International Workshop on Massive Full Dimension (FD)-MIMO in 5G Mobile Communications, in conjunction with //IEEE// VTC 2018-Fall.\\
**[Visitor from AFRL]** __March 26, 2018__: Dr. Scott Pudlewski and Dr. Elizabeth Bentley from the Information Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) visited our group in Wireless@Virginia Tech.\\
**[Invited Talk]** __March 23, 2018__: Dr. Lingjia Liu is invited to give a seminar on the topic of "Enabling Technologies for 5G Communications: From Massive Full-Dimension MIMO (FD-MIMO) to Cooperative Communications" in the ECE Department at the University of Virginia.\\
**[Travel Grant]** __March 23, 2018__: Our group member, Rubayet Shafin, received the prestigious //IEEE// Communication Society Student Travel Grant for IEEE ICC 2018. Congratulations Rubayet!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __March 15, 2018__: Our paper, //Q-Learning for Non-Cooperative Channel Access Game of Cognitive Radio Networks//, has been accepted to //IEEE// International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 2018.\\
**[Best Paper Award]** __March 13, 2018__: Our paper, //A Deep Learning Based Approach for Analog Hardware Implementation of Delayed Feedback Reservoir Computing System//, received the **Best Paper Award** from [[http://www.isqed.org/|IEEE International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design]] (ISQED) 2018. Congratulations to Jialing!\\
==== February 2018 ====
**[Paper Acceptance]** __February 16, 2018__: Our paper, //Cognitive Relay Networks with Energy and Mutual-Information Accumulation//, has been accepted to //IEEE INFOCOM'18 Workshop on Wireless Communications and Networking in Extreme Environments (WCNEE)//. This is a joint work between our group and the Information Directorate of Air Force Research Lab. (AFRL). Congratulations to Rachad, Junchao, and Hao!\\
**[News Release]** __February 12, 2018__: Virginia Tech Daily News features our research [[https://vtnews.vt.edu/articles/2018/01/eng-ece-lingjia-liu.html|here]]. \\
**[Appointment]** __February 04, 2018__: Dr. Lingjia Liu is appointed as the Associate Director of Wireless@Virginia Tech, heading the Industrial Affiliation Program. \\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __February 02, 2018__: Our paper, //High-Rate Ultrasonic Through-Wall Communications using MIMO-OFDM//, has been accepted to **IEEE Trans. Commun.**. \\
**[Grant]** __February 01, 2018__: Received **$100K** support for research from Samsung Research America (SRA)!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __February 01, 2018__: Our paper, //Lyapunov Scheduling and Optimization in Network Coded Wireless Multicast Network//, has been accepted to **IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol.**\\
==== January 2018 ====
**[Course S'18]** __January 17, 2018__: Dr. Lingjia Liu is teaching [[http://canvas.vt.edu|ECE 3614 Intro. to Commun. Systems]] in Spring 2018.\\
**[New Member]** __January 10, 2018__: Mr. Zhou Zhou and Mr. Hao Song joined our group as Ph.D. students. Welcome on board Zhou and Hao!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __January 08, 2018__: **4 papers** accepted to //IEEE Intl. Conf. on Commun.// (ICC) 2018! Congratulations to Rubayet and Hayder!\\
===== 2017 =====
**[Paper Acceptance]** __December 19, 2017__: Our paper, //Improving the Coverage and Spectral Efficiency of Millimeter-Wave Cellular Networks using Device-to-Device Relays//, has been accepted to **IEEE Trans. on Commun.**. Congratulations to Rachad!\\
==== November 2017 ====
**[Kickoff]** __November 28, 2017__: Dr. Lingjia Liu attended the kickoff meeting of the "DSA Policy Development" program at Air Force Research Lab and present our group's work.\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __November 24, 2017__: Our paper, //A Physical Layer Security Scheme for Mobile Health Cyber-Physical Systems//, has been accepted to **IEEE Internet Things J.** Congratulations to Rachad!\\
**[Visitors from Samsung]** __November 10, 2017__: Dr. Lingjia Liu hosted [[https://www.sra.samsung.com/research/standards-and-5g-mobility|Dr. Jianzhong (Charlie) Zhang]]'s visit to our group for a half-day technical information exchange. \\
**[New Visitors]** __November 06, 2017__: Mr. Junchao Ma and Mr. Xiaoxuan Wang joined our group as visiting students. Mr. Junchao Ma came to Virginia Tech from Southwest Jiao Tong University and Mr. Xiaoxuan Wang came to Virginia Tech from Beijing Jiao Tong University. Welcome on board!\\
==== October 2017 ====
**[Paper Acceptance]** __October 16, 2017__: Our paper, //Brain-Inspired Wireless Communications: Where Reservoir Computing Meets MIMO-OFDM//, has been accepted to **IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. and Learn. Syst.**. Congratulations to Susanna!\\
**[Paper Acceptance]** __October 13, 2017__: Our paper, //Reservoir Computing Meets Smart Grids: Attack Detection using Delayed Feedback Networks//, has been accepted to the __Special Session on Smart Grid and Renewable Energy Resources: Information and Communication Technologies with Industry Perspective__ of **IEEE Trans. Ind. Informat.**. Congratulations to Kian!\\
==== September 2017 ====
**[Grant]** __September 01, 2017__: "DSA Policy Development" has been awarded by the National Spectrum Consortium. This is a **$14.2 million** collaborative project led by LGS Innovations. Dr. Lingjia Liu is serving as the **PI** of the sub-award focusing on "Optimization for Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) Policy". The total budget for the sub-award at is **$950K**.\\
==== August 2017 ====
**[Course F'18]** __August 28, 2017__: Dr. Lingjia Liu is teaching [[http://canvas.vt.edu|ECE 4634 Digital Commun.]] in Fall 2017.\\
**[Visitors from AFRL]** __August 15, 2017__: Dr. Lingjia Liu hosted the visitors from the Information Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory for a one-day technical information exchange.\\
**[Grant]** __August 15, 2017__: "SpecEES: Collaborative Research: Enabling Spectrum and Energy-Efficient Dynamic Spectrum Access Wireless Networks using Neuromorphic Computing" has been awarded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under grant NSF/ECCS-1731672. This is a medium collaborative project with a total budget of **$700K**. Dr. Lingjia Liu is serving as the **PI** from the **leading institution** of this project.\\
**[Grant]** __August 15, 2017__: "NeTS: Small: Spatial Spectrum Sensing-Based Device-to-Device (D2D) Networks" has been awarded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under grant NSF/CNS-1718977. The total budget of this project is **$354K**. Dr. Lingjia Liu is serving as the **sole PI** of this award.\\
**[New Member]** __August 10, 2017__: Mr. Hao-Hsuan Chang joined our group as a Ph.D. student. Welcome on board Hao-Hsuan!\\
**[Appointment]** __August 10, 2017__: Lingjia Liu joined the ECE Department at Virginia Tech as a tenured Associate Professor.\\
==== June 2017 ====
__June 26, 2017__: Congratulations to Hyder Almosa who successfully passed his Ph.D. comprehensive exam.\\
__June 20, 2017__: Congratulations to Susanna Mosleh who successfully passed her Ph.D. comprehensive exam.\\
**[Ph.D. Defense]** __June 14, 2017__: Our group member, Rachad Atat, successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation and become Dr. Atat. Congratulations Dr. Atat! The title of Rachad's dissertation is "Enabling Cyber-Physical Communication in 5G Cellular Networks: Challenges, Solutions and Applications". He is the **3rd** Ph.D. graduated from our group and he defended his Ph.D. with honor int he EECS Department at KU.\\
**[Ph.D. Defense]** __June 4, 2017__: Our group member, Hao Chen, successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation and become Dr. Chen. Congratulations Dr. Chen! The title of Hao's dissertation is "Mutual Information Accumulation over Wireless Networks: Fundamentals and Applications". He is the **2nd** Ph.D. graduated from our group and he defended his Ph.D. with honor int he EECS Department at KU.\\
==== May 2017 ====
__May 22, 2017__: Our group memeber, Rubayet, joined Huawei Research in New Jersey USA as a summer research intern.\\
__May 31, 2017__: Dr. Lingjia Liu will be serving as the Workshop co-Chair of //International Workshop on Massive MIMO/FD-MIMO in 5G Mobile Communications//, in conjunction with IEEE PIMRC 2017.\\
==== April 2017 ====
__April 5, 2017__: Dr. Lingjia Liu has been selected as the Visiting Faculty Fellow 2017 by the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory. \\
__April 2, 2017__: Dr. Lingjia Liu will be serving as the Technical Program Committee co-Chair of the [[http://www.et5gb.com/|6th International Workshop on Emerging Technologies for 5G and Beyond Wireless and Mobile Networks (ET5GB)]], in conjunction with IEEE Globecom 2017.\\
==== March 2017 ====
__March 27, 2017__: Congratulations to our group member, Rubayet Shafin, who received a research internship offer from Huawei Technologies in Bridgewater NJ USA! He is going to work with top-notched researchers in Huawei Research in NJ for Summer 2017 with extremely competitive salary and benefits.\\
__March 24, 2017__: Dr. Lingjia Liu is elected as the Vice-Chair, Americas of the //IEEE Technical Committee on Green Communications & Computing// (TCGCC). The working term will be from March 24, 2017 to March 31, 2019.\\
__March 21, 2017__: Dr. Lingjia Liu received supplementary funding support for the Air Force Grant FA8750-14-1-0077!\\
__March 20, 2017__: Dr. Lingjia Liu helped organize the [[http://wcnc2017.ieee-wcnc.org/content/wcnc-2017-executive-committee|IEEE WCNC 2017]]. Please check out [[http://wcnc2017.ieee-wcnc.org/program|the program for details]]!\\
__March 15, 2017__: Dr. Lingjia Liu hosted collaborators from the Air Force Research Lab. A workshop is conducted for tech exchange. Collaboration opportunities and potential research directions are discussed!\\
__March 10, 2017__: Dr. Lingjia Liu has been awarded a research grant from [[http://www.alionscience.com/|Alion Science and Technology]] to work on caching and communication for cloud radio access networks (C-RAN). Dr. Liu will serve as the Principal Investigator (PI) of this project. \\
__March 6, 2017__: Our paper, //Resource Allocation for a Multichannel Ultrasonic Through-Wall Communication System//, has been accepted to //IEEE// INFOCOM 2017 Workshop. This work is an outcome of the collaboration among Air Force Research Lab., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and KU!\\
==== February 2017 ====
__February 20, 2017__: Our paper, //Enabling Cyber-Physical Communication in 5G Cellular Networks: Challenges, Spatial Spectrum Sensing, and Cyber-Security//, has been accepted to //IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Application//. Congratulations to Rachad and Hao!\\
__February 10, 2017__: Dr. Lingjia Liu was invited to give a talk on [[https://meetings.vtools.ieee.org/meeting_view/list_meeting/43764|Enabling Technologies for 5G]] to the IEEE Kansas City Section.\\
==== January 2017 ====
__January 23, 2017__: Dr. Lingjia Liu was interviewed by //IEEE Spectrum// to comment on Intel's 5G Modem.\\
__January 16, 2017__: Dr. Lingjia Liu will be teaching [[eecs865s17|EECS 865 Wireless Communication Systems]] for Spring 2017.\\
__January 11, 2017__: Dr. Lingjia Liu has been awarded a research grant from [[http://www.interdigital.com/|InterDigital]] to work on reliability analysis of coding over finite transport blocks. Dr. Liu will serve as the sole Principal Investigator (PI) of this project.\\
===== 2016 =====
==== December 2016 ====
__December 15, 2016__: **3** of our papers have been accepted to 2017 //IEEE// Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC). The topics include energy-efficient communications, multi-user massive/FD-MIMO, and millimeter-wave (mmWave) D2D networks. Congratulations to Farhad, Rachad, and Rubayet!\\
__December 6, 2016__: Dr. Lingjia Liu and Rachad Atat attended the **Best Paper Award Ceremony** at //IEEE// GLOBECOM 2016.\\
==== November 2016 ====
__November 22, 2016__: Our paper, //Energy Harvesting-Based D2D-Assisted Machine-Type Communications//, has been accepted to //IEEE Trans. on Commun.// Congratulations to Rachad!\\
__November 15, 2016__: Our group received the **Best Paper Award** from //IEEE// Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) 2016 for the work on "Improving Spectral Efficiency of D2D Cellular Networks Through RF Energy Harvesting"! Rachad is the first author of this work. Congratulations to Rachad!\\
==== October 2016 ====
__October 25, 2016__: Our group memeber, Hao Chen, received a full-time Senior Research/Standards Engineer position from Samsung Research America. Congratulations Hao!\\
__October 13, 2016__: Dr. Lingjia Liu has been invited to attend the NSF PAWR Kansas City Planning Meeting.\\
__October 5, 2016__: Our group member, Rachad Atat, received the prestigious National Science Foundation (NSF) Student Travel Grant for IEEE GLOBECOM 2016. Congratulations Rachad!\\
__October 2, 2016__: Mr. Yi Li joined our group as a joint training Ph.D. student. Mr. Li came to our group from Prof. Pingzhi Fan's group at Southwest Jiao Tong University and his stay at KU is sponsored by China Scholarship Council (CSC). Welcome on board, Mr. Li!!\\
==== September 2016 ====
__September 26, 2016__: Dr. Lingjia Liu together with Mr. Rubayet Shafin, Mr. Farhad Mahmood, and Mr. Ghaith Shabsigh visited the [[http://www.sra.samsung.com/research/standards-and-5g-mobility|Standards and 5G Mobility Lab]] of [[http://www.sra.samsung.com/|Samsung Research America (SRA)]]!\\
__September 22, 2016__: [[http://l.web.umkc.edu/lizhu/|Dr. Zhu Li]] from University of Missouri - Kansas City (UMKC) visited our group and interacted with group members.\\
__September 20, 2016__: Dr. Lingjia Liu received the extension grant from Air Force Research Laboratory [[http://www.wpafb.af.mil/Welcome/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/836756|Information Institute]] to work on spectrum sensing for D2D networks.\\
__September 1, 2016__: Dr. Ying Li joined our group as a visiting scholar. Dr. Li will stay in our group for one year and welcome on board, Dr. Li!\\
==== August 2016 ====
__August 31, 2016__: Our paper, Interference Alignment for Downlink Multi-cell LTE-Advanced Systems with Limited Feedback, has been accepted to //IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun.// Congratulations to Susanna!\\
__August 30, 2016__: Dr. Lingjia Liu has been invited to attend the US Ignite Smart Gigabit Communities Kickoff Meeting at the Kaufmann Foundation Conference Center.\\
__August 22, 2016__: Dr. Lingjia Liu will be teaching [[eecs769f16|EECS 769 Information Theory]] for Fall 2016.\\
__August 22, 2016__: Our paper, Energy Efficient Spiking Temporal Encoder Design for Neuromorphic Computing Systems, has been accepted to //IEEE Trans. on Multi-Scale Computing Systems//. Congratulations to Chenyuan!\\
__August 22, 2016__: Congratulations to our group members, Hao Chen and Susanna Mosleh, who received internship offers from the [[http://www.sra.samsung.com/research/standards-and-5g-mobility|Standards and 5G Mobility Lab]] at [[http://www.sra.samsung.com/|Samsung Research America (SRA)]]! They are going to work with top-notched researchers in SRA for the Fall 2016 with extremely competitive salary and benefits.\\
__August 12, 2016__: Congratulations to Rachad Atat who successfully passed his Ph.D. comprehensive exam!\\
__August 1, 2016__: Our paper, Spatial Spectrum Sensing based Device-to-Device (D2D) Cellular Networks, has been accepted to //IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun.// Congratulations to Hao!\\
==== July 2016 ====
__July 25, 2016__: Dr. Lingjia Liu gave a presentation on the topic of applying neuromorphic computing to MIMO communications in IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI)/International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) in Vancouver Canada.\\
__July 15, 2016__: Dr. Lingjia Liu is organizing the [[http://wcsp.eng.usf.edu/5g/2016/|5th International GLOBECOM Workshop on Emerging Technologies for 5G Wireless Cellular Networks]]. Please consider participating this annual event!\\
__July 15, 2016__: Dr. Lingjia Liu is invited to participate the [[https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2016/07/15/fact-sheet-administration-announces-advanced-wireless-research|White House Advanced Wireless Event]] jointly organized by NSF, DARPA, NIST, and NTIA.\\
__July 8, 2016__: Our paper, DoA Estimation and Capacity Analysis for 3D Millimeter Wave Massive-MIMO/FD-MIMO OFDM Systems, has been accepted to //IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun.// Congratulations to Rubayet!\\
__July 1, 2016__: **7** of our group's papers have been accepted to //IEEE// GLOBECOM 2016. Congratulations to Rachad, Hao, and Susanna!\\
==== June 2016 ====
__June 15, 2016__: Dr. Lingjia Liu organized the AFCEA C4IR Software Defined RF workshop held in Utica, NY. Mrs. Ellen Purdy from the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) served as an honorable panelist of the workshop.\\
==== May 2016 ====
__May 20, 2016__: Congratulations to Dr. Cenk Sahin, the first Ph.D. graduate from our group, who has been selected as a Junior Fellow of the [[http://www.nationalacademies.org/nrc/|National Research Council]]. Dr. Sahin will be working in the Sensor Directorate of the Air Force Research Lab starting May 2016.\\
__May 11, 2016__: Our paper, On the Spectral and Energy Efficiency of Full-Duplex Small Cell Wireless Systems with Massive MIMO, has been accepted to //IEEE Trans. on Veh. Technol.// Congratulations to Yi!\\
==== April 2016 ====
__April 28, 2016__: Dr. Lingjia Liu will be serving as the Workshop Chair of the "[[http://www.afceaeriecanal.com/4-22_C4I_and_Cyber_Agenda.pdf|Software Defined RF: A Full Spectrum of Opportunity]]" Workshop at the [[http://www.afceaeriecanal.com/CYBERCONFERENCE_2016_ANNOUNCEMENT.html|2016 Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence (C4I) and Cyber Conference]].\\
__April 13, 2016__: [[http://userweb.swjtu.edu.cn/Userweb/pzfan/index.htm|Dr. Pingzhi Fan]] from Southwest Jiao Tong University will be visiting our group at KU.\\
==== March 2016 ====
__March 31, 2016__: Dr. Lingjia Liu will be serving as the Workshop Chair of the 5th International GLOBECOM Workshop on Emerging Technologies for 5G Wireless Cellular Networks 2016.\\
__March 30, 2016__: Dr. Lingjia Liu will be serving on the organizing committee of //IEEE// DySpan 2017 as a Patron Chair.\\
__March 29, 2016__: Our paper, Proportional-Fair Resource Allocation for Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) Transmission in LTE-Advanced, has been accepted to //IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communi.//, congratulations to Susanna for her first TWireless paper!\\
__March 17, 2016__: Our paper, Dynamic RACH Partition for Massive Access of Differentiated M2M Services, has been accepted to [[http://www.mdpi.com/journal/Sensors|Sensors]] (IF: 2.245).\\
__March 15, 2016__: Our paper, An Energy Efficient Decoding Scheme for nonlinear MIMO-OFDM Network using Reservoir Computing, has been accepted to 2016 //IEEE// International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. Congratulations to Susanna and Cenk!\\
__March 14, 2016__: Dr. Lingjia Liu has been selected as a 2016 Air Force Summer Faculty Fellow by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)!\\
__March 10, 2016__: Our group received equipment award from Samsung Research America to work on spatial spectrum sensing and explore big data over wireless.\\
__March 7, 2016__: Dr. Lingjia Liu hosted the visitors from the Information Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory.\\
==== February 2016 ====
__February 26, 2016__: Dr. Lingjia Liu will be serving on [[http://wcnc2017.ieee-wcnc.org/content/wcnc-2017-executive-committee|the executive committee]] of //IEEE// Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2017 as an Industrial Program Chair.\\
__February 20, 2016__: Dr. Lingjia Liu is organizing the International Workshop on Emerging MIMO Technology on Massive MIMO Antenna System (E-MIMO 2016) in conjunction with //IEEE// VTC 2016-Spring. The webpage of the workshop can be found [[http://www.datanggroup.cn/templates/T_Second_sys/conference/EMIMO2016/
|here]]. Please consider participating the workshop!\\
==== January 2016 ====
__January 19, 2016__: Dr. Lingjia Liu will be teaching [[eecs212s16|EECS 212 Circuit II]] and [[eecs865s16|EECS 865 Wireless Communication Systems]] in Spring 2016.\\
__January 14, 2016__: Dr. Lingjia Liu is appointed as an Editor of the //IEEE Transactions on Communications//.\\
__January 11, 2016__: Dr. Lingjia Liu is invited by Dr. Liangping Ma (Member of Technical Staff) and Dr. Byung K. Yi (CTO) to give a one-day tutorial on //coding over finite transport blocks// in InterDigital.\\
__January 07, 2016__: Final grades of EECS 769 are available [[http://people.eecs.ku.edu/~lingjialiu/hw769_F15/EECS769_Score.xlsx|here]].\\
===== 2015 =====
==== December 2015 ====
__December 18, 2015__: Congratulations to Hao Chen who successfully passed his Ph.D. comprehensive exam.\\
__December 17, 2015__: "CyberCorps: New Scholarships for Service (SFS) Program at the University of Kansas - Jayhawk SFS" has been awarded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under grant NSF/DGE-1565570. Dr. Lingjia Liu is serving as a senior personnel/co-investigator of this award (Project PI is Dr. Bo Luo from EECS at KU).\\
__December 10, 2015__: Dr. Lingjia Liu organized the 4th International GLOBECOM Workshop on Emerging Technologies for 5G Wireless Cellular Networks. The detailed workshop program can be found at [[http://wcsp.eng.usf.edu/5g/2015/|here]].\\
__December 02, 2015__: Congratulations to Yan Li who successfully defended his M.S. thesis with honor!!!\\
==== November 2015 ====
**[Ph.D. Defense]**__November 20, 2015__: Our group member, Cenk Sahin, successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation and become Dr. Sahin. Congratulations Dr. Sahin! The title of Cenk's dissertation is "On Fundamental Performance Limits of Delay-Sensitive Wireless Communications". He is the **1st** Ph.D. graduated from our group and he defended his Ph.D. with honor int he EECS Department at KU.\\
__November 11, 2015__: Dr. Lingjia Liu organized the special session of "Enabling Technologies for Future Wireless Networks" in Asilomar 2015.\\
==== September 2015 ====
__September 11, 2015__: Dr. Lingjia Liu's paper: "Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation for MIMO-OFDM Systems Serving Random Sources with Statistical QoS Requirement" has been accepted to the //IEEE Trans. on Commun.//.\\
==== August 2015 ====
__August 24, 2015__: Dr. Lingjia Liu will be teaching [[eecs769f15|EECS 769 Information Theory]] for Fall 2015.\\
__August 15, 2015__: "Student Travel Support for the IEEE Globecom 2015" has been awarded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under grant NSF/CNS-1547774. Dr. Lingjia Liu is serving as the principal investigator (PI) of this award. Please submit your application for student travel grant on EDAS!\\
__August 3, 2015__: **2** papers have been accepted to 2015 //IEEE Global Conference on Signal & Information Processing// (GlobalSIP). Congratulations to Mohanad and Rubayet for their first GlobalSIP acceptance!\\
==== July 2015 ====
__July 27, 2015__: Dr. Lingjia Liu was interviewed by //IEEE Spectrum// on 5G networks.\\
__July 16, 2015__: Our paper on "Cooperative Routing for Underlay Cognitive Radio Networks using Mutual Information Accumulation" has been accepted to the //IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun.//. Congratulations Hao!\\
__July 10, 2015__: Dr. Lingjia Liu's paper on "Subspace Identification for DOA Estimation in Massive / Full-dimension MIMO System: Data Mitigation and Automatic Source Enumeration" has been accepted to the //IEEE Trans. on Signal Process.//.\\
__July 9, 2015__: Dr. Lingjia Liu's paper on "To Relay or Not to Relay: Learning Device-to-Device Relaying Strategies in Cellular Networks" has been accepted to the //IEEE Trans. on Mobile Comput.//.\\
__July 3, 2015__: **3** papers have been accepted to 2015 //IEEE International Global Communications Conference// (GLOBECOM). The topics include energy-efficient communications and massive/FD-MIMO. Congratulations to Farhad and Rubayet for their first GLOBECOM acceptance!\\
==== June 2015 ====
__June 1, 2015__: Dr. Lingjia Liu has received a **National Science Foundation (NSF)** award in the Division of Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems. The title of the project is "Delay-Sensitive Hybrid Broadcast/Unicast Traffic over Heterogeneous Cellular Networks". Dr. Liu will serve as the Principal Investigator (PI) of this project at KU and KU is the leading institution for this collaborative project.\\
==== May 2015 ====
__May 26, 2015__: Dr. Lingjia Liu started working as a Visiting Faculty Fellow in the Information Directorate of the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory.\\
__May 16, 2015__: Dr. Lingjia Liu has been selected to receive the prestigious **Miller Professional Development Award for Distinguished Research** at the University of Kansas. Only **//one//** winner is selected across **all** tenure-track and tenured faculty across **all** Engineering Profession.\\
__May 14, 2015__: Congratulations! Our group member, Zach Rohde, has been selected as a network technology engineer intern in the Seattle office of T-Mobile during the summer of 2015.\\
==== April 2015 ====
__April 21, 2015__: Our paper, Resource Allocation for Delay-Sensitive Traffic over LTE-Advanced Relay Networks, has been accepted to the //IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications//!\\
__April 15, 2015__: Our paper, An Analytical Through Silicon Via (TSV) Surface Roughness Model Applied to a Millimeter Wave 3D IC, has been accepted to the //IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility//!\\
==== March 2015 ====
__March 30, 2015__: Dr. Lingjia Liu has been selected as the Visiting Faculty Fellow by the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory. He will conduct research in the Information Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory of the summer of 2015.\\
__March 27, 2015__: Our group member, Hao Chen, got a summer intern offer from Samsung Research America - Dallas (SRA-D) with extremely competitive salary and benefits. Congratulations Hao!\\
__March 11, 2015__: Dr. Lingjia Liu is serving as the Symposium Chair for [[http://people.eecs.ku.edu/~lingjialiu/GlobalSIP/Index.html|IEEE GlobalSIP 2015 Symposium on Massive MIMO and FD-MIMO Communications]].\\
==== February 2015 ====
__February 16, 2015__: "[[http://people.eecs.ku.edu/~lingjialiu/EMIMO/Index.html|International Workshop on Emerging MIMO Technologies with 2D Antenna Array for 4G LTE-Advanced and 5G (E-MIMO)]]" in conjunction of ICNC 2015 was successfully conducted.\\
==== January 2015 ====
__January 20, 2015__: Spring 2015 starts today and I will be teaching EECS 865 Wireless Communications Systems.\\
===== 2014 =====
==== November 2014 ====
__December 30, 2014__: Our paper on "Coding Across Finite Transport Blocks in Modern Wireless Communication Systems" has appeared in the //IEEE Trans. on Commun.//. Congratulations Cenk!\\
__December 29, 2014__: Our paper on "Optimal Resource Allocation for Sensing-based Spectrum Sharing D2D Networks" has been accepted to the Elsevier Journal of Computers and Electrical Engineering (Special Issue on Emerging Research in Internet of Things). Congratulations Hao!\\
__December 16, 2014__: Our group member, Daniel Muchiri, successfully defended his thesis for Master of Science in Electrical Engineering. He will be working in Ericsson as an engineer. Congratulations Daniel!\\
__December 10, 2014__: Our group member, Hao Chen, gave a presentation on "Optimal Resource Allocation for Sensing Based Spectrum Sharing Cognitive Radio Networks" in IEEE GLOBECOM 2014, Austin, Texas. \\
__December 9, 2014__: Our group member, Cenk Sahin, gave a presentation on "On the Finite Blocklength Performance of HARQ in Modern Wireless Systems" in IEEE GLOBECOM 2014, Austin, Texas. \\
__December 8, 2014__: Dr. Lingjia Liu served on the **Award Committee** of IEEE GLOBECOM 2014.\\
__December 8, 2014__: Dr. Lingjia Liu organized the third "International Workshop on Emerging Technologies for 5G Wireless Cellular Networks" in conjunction of IEEE GLOBECOM 2014. The webpage of the workshop can be found [[http://wcsp.eng.usf.edu/5g/2014/|here]]. \\
__December 4, 2014__: Dr. Lingjia Liu and Hao Chen visited Samsung Research America - Dallas and gave presentations on 3D Massive MIMO/FD-MIMO and D2D Networks. \\
==== November 2014 ====
__November 10, 2014__: Dr. Bin Wang joined our group as a visiting scholar. Bin is an Associate Professor in the College of Computer and Communication Engineering at China University of Petroleum. His stay in our group is sponsored by China Scholarship Council. He will be working on D2D networks for 5 Cellular Systems. Welcome on board, Dr. Wang!\\
__November 6, 2014__: Somayeh (Susanna) Mosleh is admitted to the EECS Department at the University of Kansas as a Ph.D. student. In Spring 2015, she will be converted from a visiting scholar to a Ph.D. student in our group. Congratulations Susanna!\\
==== October 2014 ====
__October 1, 2014__: Zach Rhode joined our group as a undergraduate student research assistant. Welcome Zach!\\
==== September 2014 ====
__September 9, 2014__: Our group member, Aditya Balasubramanian, successfully defended his project for the Master of Science in Computer Engineering. Congratulations Aditya!\\
__September 20, 2014__: Somayeh (Susanna) Mosleh joined our group as a visiting scholar. She will be working on 3D Massive MIMO systems. Welcome Susanna!\\
==== August 2014 ====
__August 1, 2014__: Dr. Lingjia Liu has received a **National Science Foundation (NSF)** award in the Division of Computer and Communication Foundations. The title of the project is "Fundamentals of Energy-Efficiency in Delay-Sensitive Wireless Communications". Dr. Liu will serve as the Principal Investigator (PI) of this project and Dr. Erik Perrins will serve as the Co-PI of the project.\\
__August 12, 2014__: Rubayet Shafin joined our group as a Ph.D. student. Welcome Rubayet!\\
__August 25, 2014__: Mohanad Al-Ibadi and Hayder Almosa joined our group as Ph.D. students. Welcome Mohanad and Hayder!\\
==== July 2014 ====
__July 16, 2014__: Dr. Lingjia Liu is invited to give a talk at the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at Syracuse University on the topic of "3D DoA Estimation and Capacity Analysis of FD-MIMO".
==== June 2014 ====
__June 22, 2014__: Dr. Lingjia Liu is invited to give a talk at the 15th //IEEE// International Symposium on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications ([[http://www.spawc2014.info/joomla30/index.php/ct-menu-item-2|SPAWC'14]]). The topic of his talk is "DoA Estimation and Achievable Rate Analysis for 3D Millimeter Wave Massive MIMO Systems".\\
__June 19, 2014__: Dr. Lingjia Liu has been selected as a **Miller Scholar** for 2014 by the School of Engineering at the University of Kansas (KU).\\
__June 02, 2014__: Dr. Lingjia Liu is serving as the Workshop Chair for the "International Workshop on Emerging MIMO Technologies with 2D Antenna Array for 4G LTE-Advanced and 5G (E-MIMO)" in conjunction of ICNC 2015, Monday, February 16th 2015, Anaheim, CA, USA.\\
==== May 2014 ====
__May 29, 2014__: Dr. Lingjia Liu has been awarded a **research grant** from **Samsung Research America - Dallas** to work on massive MIMO systems and Device-to-Device networks. Dr. Liu will serve as the sole Principal Investigator (PI) of this project.\\
__May 28, 2014__: Dr. Lingjia Liu will be representing the Information and Telecommunication Technology Center (ITTC) of the University of Kansas (KU) at the NSF Industry & University Cooperative Research Center (I/UCRC) BWAC board meeting in Virginia Tech.\\
__May 22, 2014__: Dr. Lingjia Liu will be visiting the EE department at the University at Buffalo (UB). He will be visiting the Communication Group led by Dr. Dimitris Pados as well as the UB nano group.\\
__May 12, 2014__: Our group member, Hao Chen, received the **National Science Foundation (NSF)** scholarship to attend the 2014 //IEEE// North American School of Information Theory. Congratulations Hao!\\
__May 09, 2014__: Dr. Lingjia Liu is invited to give a talk at the 23rd //IEEE// Wireless and Optical Communication Conference ([[http://www.wocc.org/wocc2014/|WOCC 2014]]). The topic of his talk is "Cooperative Routing for Cognitive Radio Networks using Mutual-Information Accumulation".\\
==== April 2014 ====
__April 30, 2014__: Dr. Lingjia Liu has been awarded a research grant from **InterDigital** to work on coding over finite transport blocks. Dr. Liu will serve as the Principal Investigator (PI) of this project and Dr. Erik Perrins will serve as the co-Principal Investigator of this project.\\
__April 02, 2014__: Dr. Lingjia Liu has been selected as a Faculty Fellow for the 2014 Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship Program (AF SFFP)!\\
__April 01, 2014__: Congratulations! Zach has been selected as a research intern in the information directorate at the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) in Rome, NY during the summer of 2014.\\
==== March 2014 ====
__March 05, 2014__: Dr. Lingjia Liu has been interviewed by //IEEE Spectrum// to comment on the pCell wireless technology.\\
==== February 2014 ====
__February 28, 2014__: Dr. Liu will given an invited talk at the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department at the University of Missouri - Kansas City on the topic of ``Energy-Efficient Design for Delay-Sensitive Traffic over Wireless Systems".\\
__February 13, 2014__: Dr. Liu will give an invited talk at IEEE Kansas City Chapter on 3GPP LTE/LTE-Advanced Systems. The detailed information can be found [[https://meetings.vtools.ieee.org/meeting_view/list_meeting/22993|here]].\\
__February 10, 2014__: Dr. Liu has received a research grant from U.S. **Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)**. The title of the grant is "Cooperative routing for dynamic aerial layer networks". Dr. Liu will serve as the **sole Principal Investigator (PI)** of this project and the project starts on February 10 2014 with a budget of **$445,449**.\\
__February 07, 2014__: The deadline for paper submission to the special issue on "Emerging Research in Internet of Things (IoT)" of [[http://www.journals.elsevier.com/computers-and-electrical-engineering/|Elsevier Journal of Computers & Electrical Engineering]] has been postponed to May 15th 2014.\\
==== January 2014 ====
__January 31, 2014__: The Lunar New Year of 2014 (Year of Horse) has arrived! Happy Lunar New Year of 2014.\\
__January 21, 2014__: Dr. Lingjia Liu will be teaching [[wirelesss14|EECS 865: Wireless Communication Systems]] this Spring semester!\\
__January 20, 2014__: Rachad Atat joined our group as a Ph.D. student. Rachad was selected for the prestigious School of Engineering Fellowship. Welcome abroad Rachad!\\
__January 01, 2014__: Our paper on "Device-to-Device Communications in Cellular Networks" has been published in IEEE COMSOC MMTC E-Letter. The full paper can be accessed [[http://committees.comsoc.org/mmc/e-news/E-Letter-Jan2014.pdf|here]].\\
===== 2013 =====
==== December 2013 ====
__December 13, 2013__: Dr. Lingjia Liu served as the TPC Co-Chair of the [[http://wcsp.eng.usf.edu/b4g/2013/|Second International Workshop on Emerging Technologies for LTE-Advanced and Beyond-4G]] in conjunction of IEEE GLOBECOM 2013.\\
__December 04, 2013__: Dr. Lingjia Liu got **5** USRP N210 from Air Force Research Laboratory as a part of the on-going collaboration with AFRL on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks.\\
==== October 2013 ====
__October 29, 2013__: Dr. Lingjia Liu is invited to give a seminar on the topic of 3GPP LTE/LTE-Advanced and Beyond for //IEEE// Santa Clara Valley Chapter. More detailed information about be found [[http://sites.ieee.org/scv-pace/upcoming-events/|here]].\\
__October 25, 2013__: Dr. Lingjia Liu gave a presentation on 2D Active Massive MIMO and Delay-Sensitive Communications over Heterogeneous Network in Intel, Santa Clara.\\
==== September 2013 ====
__September 12, 2013__:Dr. Lingjia Liu is serving as a guest editor for the special issue on "Emerging Research in Internet of Things (IoT)" of [[http://www.journals.elsevier.com/computers-and-electrical-engineering/|Elsevier Journal of Computers & Electrical Engineering]]. Please check the [[http://people.eecs.ku.edu/~lingjialiu/CFP-Internet of Things.pdf|call-for-papers]] for details.\\
__September 10, 2013__: Dr. Lingjia Liu has been interviewed by //IEEE Spectrum// on LTE-Advanced networks. He is quoted in the September's issue of //IEEE Spectrum//. The article can be found [[http://people.eecs.ku.edu/~lingjialiu/IEEE_Spectrum_Sep2013.pdf|here]].\\
__September 02, 2013__: Lei Shi, a graduate student from Tsinghua University, joined our group as a visiting scholar. Welcome on board!\\
==== August 2013 ====
__August 26, 2013__: Dr. Lingjia Liu will be teaching EECS 212 Circuit II in Fall 2013. The course webpage can be found [[cirt2f13|here]].\\
__August 19, 2013__: Hao Chen joined our group as a Ph.D. student. Hao was selected for the prestigious School of Engineering Fellowship. Welcome on board!\\
__August 8, 2013__: Dr. Lingjia Liu started the 1 credit summer course in Tsinghua University. The title of the summer course is "Emerging Technologies for 4G Mobile Wireless Systems". The flyer of the course can be found [[http://people.eecs.ku.edu/~lingjialiu/4G_Tsinghua.pdf|here]].\\
__August 8, 2013__: Dr. Lingjia Liu gave an invited talk in Beihang University. The topic of the talk is "Energy-Efficient Design for Delay-Sensitive Traffic over Wireless Networks".\\
==== July 2013 ====
__July 29, 2013__: Dr. Lingjia Liu is awarded a research grant from **Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)** to work on dynamic spectrum access networks. Dr. Liu will serve as the sole Principal Investigator of this project and the project starts on July 29th 2012.\\
__July 01, 2013__: **2** of our papers have been accepted to the 2013 IEEE International Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM).\\
__July 01, 2013__: The deadline of the Second International Workshop on "Emerging Technologies for LTE-Advanced and Beyond-4G" in conjunction of IEEE GLOBECOM 2013 has been changed to July 7th 2013. Please check the [[http://wcsp.eng.usf.edu/b4g/2013/CFP_B4Gworkshop_GC2013.pdf|call for paper]] and [[http://wcsp.eng.usf.edu/b4g/2013/|workshop webpage]] for details.\\
==== June 2013 ====
__June 10, 2013__: Dr. Lingjia Liu served as the Session Chair for the session of "SPC-05: MIMO I" at the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) in Budapest, Hungary.\\
==== May 2013 ====
__May 24, 2013__: Dr. Lingjia Liu gave an invited talk at the Air Force Research Laboratory (Information Directorate) on the topic of "Emerging Technologies for 3GPP LTE / LTE-Advanced and Beyond".\\
__May 20, 2013__: Dr. Lingjia Liu will be serving as the Technical Program Committee (TPC) co-Chair of "International Workshop on Emerging Technologies for LTE-Advanced and Beyond-4G" in conjunction of IEEE GLOBECOM 2013. Please check the call-for-papers on the [[http://http://wcsp.eng.usf.edu/b4g/|workshop homepage]] for details.\\
__May 13, 2013__: Dr. Lingjia Liu started 10 week tenure in the Information Directorate of U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) as a Summer Faculty Fellow sponsored by **Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)**.\\
==== April 2013 ====
__April 11, 2013__: Dr. Lingjia Liu has been awarded a research grant from **Samsung Research America - Dallas** to work on multi-user MIMO systems. Dr. Liu will serve as the sole Principal Investigator of this project.\\
__April 08, 2013__: Dr. Lingjia Liu is invited to give a talk at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the //Texas A&M University// on the topic of "Downlink MIMO in LTE-Advanced Systems: Multi-user MIMO with Finite Rate Feedback".\\
__April 08, 2013__: Dr. Lingjia Liu has been selected as a **Faculty Fellow** for the 2013 //Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship Program// (**AF SFFP**)! He will conduct research in information directorate at the **Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)** in Rome, NY during the summer of 2013.\\
__April 05, 2013__: Our group member, Yi Zhu, is awarded the prestigious **National Science Foundation (NSF)** travel award to attend 2013 //IEEE// International Conference on Communications (ICC) in Budapest. Congratulations Yi!\\
__April 01, 2013__: Dr. Lingjia Liu's research proposal on "DoA and Capacity Analysis for 2D Massive MIMO Systems" is granted by the General Research Fund (GRF) of the University of Kansas. (Peer reviewed)\\
==== March 2013 ====
__March 12, 2013__: Dr. Lingjia Liu will be organizing the Second International Workshop on "Emerging Technologies for LTE-Advanced and Beyond-4G" in conjunction of //IEEE// GLOBECOM 2013.\\
__March 07, 2013__: Dr. Lingjia Liu is invited to give a summer course on **Modern Wireless Communications** in //Tsinghua University// in the summer of 2013.\\
==== February 2013 ====
__February 14, 2013__: Dr. Lingjia Liu will be serving on the Technical Program Committee of //IEEE// INFOCOM 2014 - //IEEE// Conference on Computer Communications.\\
__February 11, 2013__: Dr. Lingjia Liu will be serving as the Technical Program Committee co-chair of the Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Symposium in 2014 //International Conference on Computing, Networking, and Communications// (ICNC 2014).\\
==== January 2013 ====
__January 27, 2013__: **3** of our papers have been accepted to the 2013 //IEEE International Conference on Communications// (ICC). Topics of the papers span DoA estimation for 2D massive MIMO systems, delay-sensitive traffic over heterogeneous networks, and coding over finite block length. Congratulations to Cenk, Yan, and Yi for their first ICC submission and acceptance!\\
__January 14, 2013__: Congratulations! Our group member, Daniel Muchiri, started to work as an Engineering Intern in Ericsson! \\
__January 02, 2013__: Dr. Lingjia Liu is invited to serve on the Technical Program Committee for the First //IEEE// Workshop of GREEN Multimedia: Energy-efficient Multimedia Computing, Communication and Presentation
in conjunction with the 2013 //IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo// (ICME 2013). The workshop website can be found at [[https://sites.google.com/site/iwgreenmm/|here]].\\
===== 2012 =====
==== December 2012 ====
__December 12, 2012__: Dr. Lingjia Liu will be serving as the Technical Program Committee co-Chair of the Communication Theory Symposium in 2013 //IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing// (WCSP 2013).\\
__December 03, 2012__: Dr. Lingjia Liu served as the Session Chair for the session of "Network Advancement Techniques" at the 2012 //IEEE International Workshop on Emerging Technologies for LTE-Advanced and Beyond-4G// in conjunction of GLOBECOM'12 in Anaheim, California, USA.\\
==== November 2012 ====
__November 01, 2012__: Dr. Lingjia Liu's patent (8,238,954) on "Inter-cell Interference Avoidance for Downlink Transmission" is granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).\\
==== October 2012 ====
__October 29, 2012__: Bing Ning joined our group as a visiting scholar. Welcome on board, Miss Ning!\\
__October 26, 2012__: Dr. Lingjia Liu gave an invited talk at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison on the topic of ``Combating Interference: MU-MIMO and CoMP''.\\
__October 19, 2012__: Dr. Lingjia Liu is awarded a **$50K** research grant from **Samsung Research America - Dallas** to work on the two-dimensional (2D) active massive MIMO systems. Dr. Liu will serve as the sole Principal Investigator of this project and the project starts on October 19th 2012.\\
__October 01, 2012__: Congratulations! Our group members, Carlos Fernandez and Eric Rivera, are awarded travel grants to attend the 2012 Advancing Hispanics/Chicanos & Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) Conference in Seattle, WA due to their excellent work out of McNair Scholar Program in the summer of 2012.\\
==== September 2012 ====
__September 01, 2012__: Dr. Lingjia Liu has received a **$175K** **National Science Foundation (NSF)** award in the Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ECCS) Division. The title of the project is "Heterogeneous Traffic over Heterogeneous Relay Network". Dr. Liu will serve as the sole Principal Investigator (PI) of this project and the project starts on September 1st 2012.\\
==== August 2012 ====
__August 20, 2012__: Welcome back to school! This semester Dr. Lingjia Liu will be teaching EECS 769: Information Theory.\\
__August 20, 2012__: Our paper on "Low Complexity Direction of Arrival (DoA) Estimation for 2D Massive MIMO Systems" has been accepted for presentation in //IEEE Global Communications Conference// (GLOBECOM) Workshop: International Workshop on Emerging Technologies for LTE-Advanced and Beyond-4G.\\
__August 16, 2012__: Daniel Ndungu Muchiri, Yan Li, and Yi Zhu joined our group. Welcome on board!\\
==== July 2012 ====
__July 05, 2012__: Our paper on "Automated Residential Demand Response: Algorithmic Implications of Pricing Models" has been accepted to the //IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid//.\\
__July 02, 2012__: Our paper on "A New Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Scheme for Cognitive Ad-Hoc Networks" has been accepted to the //ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications// (MONET).\\
__July 01, 2012__: **2** of our papers have been accepted to the 2012 //IEEE Global Communications Conference// (GLOBECOM).\\
==== June 2012 ====
__June 01, 2012__: Carlos Fernandez and Eric Rivera have joined our group through McNair Scholar Program. Carlos will be working on creating mathematical algorithms to indicate sunset time in a smartphone. Eric will be working on inter-cell interference coordination for heterogeneous networks.\\
==== May 2012 ====
__May 03, 2012__: Dr. Lingjia Liu will be serving as the Technical Program Committee co-Chair of "International Workshop on Emerging Technologies for LTE-Advanced and Beyond-4G" in conjunction of //IEEE// GLOBECOM 2012. Please check the call-for-papers on the [[http://wcsp.eng.usf.edu/b4g/|workshop homepage]] for details.\\
==== March 2012 ====
__March 20, 2012__: Our paper on "Cooperative Communications for LTE-Advanced -- Relay and CoMP" has been accepted to Wiley's //International Journal on Communication Systems// (IJCS).\\
__March 16, 2012__: Dr. Lingjia Liu has received the **New Faculty General Research Award** from the University of Kansas Center for Research.\\
==== February 2012 ====
__February 29, 2012__: [[http://people.eecs.ku.edu/~lingjialiu/CfP_Green_net_2012.pdf|Call-for-papers]], the 3rd Symposium on Green Networking and Computing. Authors of all accepted Symposium papers will be invited to submit extended version of their manuscripts for possible publication in the special issue on Green Networking and Computing of the //International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking// (IJBDCN).\\
__February 24, 2012__: Dr. Lingjia Liu is serving as a guest editor for the special issue on "Energy-Efficient Wireless Communications with Future Networks and Diverse Devices" of //Journal of Computer Networks and Communications//. Please check the [[http://people.eecs.ku.edu/~lingjialiu/CfP_EEinWC_JCNC.pdf|call-for-papers]].\\
__February 21, 2012__: Dr. Lingjia Liu gave an invited talk at the University of Oklahoma-Tulsa Telecommunications program on emerging technologies for LTE/LTE-Advanced systems.\\
__February 15, 2012__: Our paper on "Energy-Efficient Scheduling for Downlink Multi-User MIMO" has been selected as the **Best Paper Finalist (5/508)** for the 2012 //IEEE International Conference on Communications// (ICC).\\
__February 08, 2012__: Our paper on "Energy-Efficient Power Allocation for Delay-Sensitive Traffic over Wireless Systems" has been accepted by //IEEE// ICC'12 Workshop on Green Communications and Networking ('ICC'12 WS - GCN').\\
==== January 2012 ====
__January 17, 2012__: Dr. Lingjia Liu becomes an Editor for //IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications//.\\
__January 15, 2012__: Dr. Anding Wang joined our group as a visiting postdoctral associate. Welcome on board, Dr. Wang!\\
__January 09, 2012__: **4** papers have been accepted to the 2012 //IEEE International Conference on Communications// (ICC). Topics of the papers span multi-user MIMO, energy-efficient communication, network coding, and heterogeneous networks, please check Dr. Lingjia Liu's [[publication|publication]] for details.\\
===== 2011 =====
==== December 2011 ====
__December 10, 2011__: Dr. Lingjia Liu becomes a founding member of the technical subcommittee of Green Communications and Computing (TSGCC) within the //IEEE// Communications Society.\\
__December 08, 2011__: Dr. Lingjia Liu served as the Session Chair for the Communication Theory Symposium at the 2011 //IEEE Global Communications// Conference (GLOBECOM) in Houston, Texas, USA.\\
==== August 2011 ====
__August 20, 2011__: Dr. Lingjia Liu served as the Symposium Chair for the 2011 Annual Chinese Institute of Engineers(CIE)/USA - Dallas Fort Worth (DFW) Chapter Technology Symposium held on Saturday, August 20th at Renaissance Dallas Richardson Hotel. Mr. Jon Summers, **senior vice president** (SVP) of AT&T gave the key note speech and other senior executives from Texas Instruments, Deloitte, Lyfe Communications, Chunghwa Telecomm., and ITRI were invited to give presentations. \\