Gaurang Naik
Ph.D., Electrical Engineering
Virginia Tech 900 N Glebe Rd. Arlington, VA 22203 |
(540) 449-7603 | |
gaurang@vt.edu | |
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About Me
I am a Senior Systems Engineer in the Wireless R&D division at Qualcomm, Inc. I work with the Wi-Fi MAC standards team.
I received my Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Virginia Tech. While at Virginia Tech, I worked at the Wireless Networking & Security (WiNSeR) Lab with Dr. Jung-Min (Jerry) Park on areas related to wireless communications. My research interests lie in design and analysis of next-generation Wi-Fi systems, vehicular communications networks, and dynamic spectrum access.
Before joining Virginia Tech, I completed the Masters degree in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay in 2015 and the Bachelors degree in Electronics and Telecom. Engineering from the University of Mumbai in 2012.
At IIT Bombay, I worked with Prof. Abhay Karandikar and Prof. Animesh Kumar on the technical feasibility of TV White Space operations in India. Our research team at Infonet Lab worked on the first TV White Space-based test-bed for rural broadband provisioning. Our project won the Mozilla Equal Rating Challenge in 2017.
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, 2020
Virginia Tech -
M.Tech. in Electrical Engineering, 2015
IIT Bombay -
B.Eng. in Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering, 2012
University of Mumbai
- [1/21] I have joined Qualcomm, Inc. in the role of a Senior Systems Engineer.
- [12/20] Our paper titled - "Coexistence of Wi-Fi 6E and 5G NR-U: Can We Do Better in the 6 GHz Bands?" has been accepted for publication at IEEE INFOCOM 2021.
- [10/20] I successfully defended my Ph.D. thesis! The slides are available here.
- [8/20] Our paper - Next Generation Wi-Fi and 5G NR-U in the 6 GHz Bands: Opportunities & Challenges has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access.
- [6/20] Our paper IEEE 802.11bd & 5G NR V2X: Evolution of Radio Access Technologies for V2X Communications was listed among the top 50 popular articles (across 25,000+ articles) on IEEE Access for March and May 2020.
- [5/20] I presented our paper at the WCNC 2020 virtual conference. Pre-recorded video of my presentation can be found here.
- [1/20] Our paper - C2RC: Channel Congestion-based Re-transmission Control for 3GPP-based V2X Technologies has been accepted for publication at IEEE WCNC 2020, Virtual conference.
- [10/19] Awarded the ECE Department's Prasad Fellowship for academic excellence for the academic year 2019-20.
- [8/19] Our paper - Impact of Wi-Fi Transmissions on C-V2X Performance has been accepted for publication at IEEE DySPAN 2019, Newark, NJ, USA.
- [5/19] Our paper - IEEE 802.11bd & 5G NR V2X: Evolution of Radio Access Technologies for V2X Communications has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access.
- [5/19] I passed my Ph.D. prelim exam!
- [2/19] I will be interning this summer at Qualcomm, San Diego, CA.
- [2/19] Our paper - TCP BBR for Ultra-Low Latency Networking: Challenges, Analysis, and Solutions has been accepted for publication at IFIP Networking 2019, Warsaw, Poland.
- [1/19] Our paper - Uplink resource allocation in IEEE 802.11ax has been accepted for publication at IEEE ICC 2019, Shanghai, China.