ECE 2524

Introduction to Unix for Engineers

The Maze review: Usage, Style, and Philosophy


The Maze( was very difficult to use. The README did not provided clear instructions to get started, after cloning the project did not run:

- No make file

So I could not use the program!


The code was well organized, because as of now the main file consists of one return line. The todo.txt file was probably the most extensive file.

  • finish the rooms.yaml
  • include a make file so users dont have to determine what to do on their own


Dennis Ritchie would be confused, this project was very underdeveloped.

  • it exhibited strong gaps in what the programmer needed to implement, and what the user expected as a player
  • the output of the program was, well non-existant

However, there is still room for improvement:

  • Creating a make file in order to allow the user to actually use the program (Rule of Least Surprise)
  • There is no error checking on the return of the main. I can see why this was done because the only possibility was to return zero at the end of your one line program. Slightly more complexity in your code may require error checking