Hangman - A short review
The project_hangman (https://github.com/AndrewGS24/project_hangman) was very easy to use. The ‘README’ helped me get started, although it forgot to mention that you have to run the command “make” first. After I figured that out, the program ran fine.
The code was very easy to read. It had several functions that were called by main. There was clean seperation between the functions. Eash of them did their own task without duplicating the other function`s tasks.
This project followed the unix design philosophy well. It only output what was needed, had good separation between functions, and had decent error checking.
There are a couple of things I would recommend be changed: - Clear the screen after the program is started so that the person guessing can`t see the word. - After the results from the last guess, and before it asks for the next character, have a new line so that it is easier to read.