ECE 2524

Introduction to Unix for Engineers

Review of an intense Combat Simulator

Combat Simulator Review


-Gave enough information to easily get the game started. -Gave great instructions within the game on how to play. -Told you what to do if you entered a command that was not currently valid. -Formatted the text in a way that was easy to read. -I wish there was a way to regain health so I could keep playing!


-Reading through the code it was surprisingly easy to follow. -Comments when necessary, no comments when the code was obvious. -Well structured, not a lot of excess or bulky code. -Code was very modular. Classes and functions did one thing and one thing well -There was one module to read in data, another to put it in a data structure, another to manipulate it and another to display it.


-This code does not follow exactly one pattern, but it does use a record-jar format to imort data. -There is a thin layer of glue between the interface and the data manupulation in the background, i.e. it wouldn’t be hard to use the same background modulars to implement a graphical user interface rather then a text based. -I think the amount of time spent to the amount of fun it is to play ratio is very high. In other words, good job!