ECE 2524

Introduction to Unix for Engineers

Enjoyable (fixed)

TypeMachine is a classic, interactive and enjoyable text-based game.



The compilation completed with no error and it was easy with makefile.


The program executed well with no error.


The program itself taught me how to play on the go and the descriptions
were easy to follow. I tried to find bug by typing words mixed with
uppercase and lowercase letters but the program interpreted it correctly.


Code organization

The code was well organized and I was able to get the general idea as I read through it.
The names of functions and variables had descriptive names.


The program is separated in small and reusable functions so the program is modular.


The philosophy that the authors claimed to follow in this project includes :
Modularity, Cohesion and K.I.S.S.

The game was simple to play and overall, the code was well organized
with modularity in mind. Also, elements of the modules seemed to belong
together so I think the rules all makes sense.


I thought the initial wait time (4 seconds) is a bit too long.
The first thing I read was ‘SELECT A MODE …’ but the program did not
receive any input for the first 4 seconds, letting me wonder what to do.
After repeatedly executing the game for testing, I wished that the game
didn’t force me to wait. There should be a better way to satisfy not only
the first time users but also the experienced users.