ECE 2524

Introduction to Unix for Engineers

It's a forest out there


  • The README contained everything I needed to easily use the program:

  • The program compiles/runs without errors:

    Typically we wouldn't want to #include cpp files, just header files. Is there a compelling reason to include adventure.cpp instead of creating a adventure.h and including that?

  • The program worked as advertised:


  • The code is cleaning divided into modules and multiple files:

    A cleaner separation might refactor adventure.cpp into a control module and UI module.

  • Variable and function names are meaningful:

  • Comments are used where appropriate:

    adopting a standard docstring format such as Doxygen would be useful for generating documentation.


  • The program most closely follows the ed-like interface pattern:

    In other examples of menu-driven games I might suggest a command-driven interface instead, but clean separation of the playerChoice function eliminates a lot of the clutter that would otherwise be added due to menus in the game loop.

  • This choice of pattern is a good one for this application:

  • This program follows the Rule of Silence and Least Surprise:

    Initial menus/prompt would have been less surprising if pressing Enter or space bar would advance to next screen, instead of requiring to type a letter and then press Enter.

  • This program follows the Rules of Modularity and Composition:

    A little clearer separation between the major components would grant the flexibility of easily customizable user interfaces that could all use the same core game engine. I think the authentication module would be better off as a separate program following a cantrip pattern that is used to control access to the standalone game program. If the game needed user information, this could be supplied with a CLA by a wrapper script.

  • This program follows the Rules of Representation and Simplicity:

    While I certainly appreciate the use of the magic number 42 in playerChoice, without an check for totalactions < 42 this is ripe for bugs in the unlikely event you ever need to supply a choice with more than 42 options. Similarly, the code restricts the choices to a-e, why not allow the total number of choices to come from the data file?


Pressing ctrl+d (closing standard input) on username prompt causes an infinite loop.