ECE 2524

Introduction to Unix for Engineers

A framework or an app?


  • The README contained everything I needed to easily use the program:

    is this meant to be a login framework that other sites can use, or a webapp that displays a user's current location?

  • The program compiles/runs without errors:

  • The program worked as advertised:


  • The code is cleaning divided into modules and multiple files:

    the includes/functions.php file appears to include functions related to different logical modules. Separating functions based on authentication, session management, utility, etc. would make it easier to reuse modules in the future.

  • Variable and function names are meaningful:

  • Comments are used where appropriate:

    would benefit from consitent docstrings for runctions


  • The program most closely follows the MVC interface pattern:

    an app (or framework) like this is usually best organized around a model-view-controller pattern.

  • This choice of pattern is a good one for this application:

    I think the project would be generally improved if the focus was on providing a framework, rather than an all-in-one app. The example implementation could still be included

  • This program follows the Rule of Silence and Least Surprise:

    When I navigate to the protected page without having logged in the login link takes me back to the index page, not the login page.

  • This program follows the Rules of Modularity and Composition:

    with a bit of refactoring I think this could work very nicely as a framework that other webapps could use

  • This program follows the Rules of Representation and Simplicity:

    while PHP allows mixing of HTML and PHP code in the same files, exploiting this for any more than the simplest of sites will be a maintenance nightmare. Use of a PHP template engine would allow a much cleaner separation of content and logic.