ECE 2524

Introduction to Unix for Engineers

Review of gofish


The game is quite straight forward in terms of gameplay. All that needs to be done to run the game is run the file

I have a number of suggestions as how to improve the game. - Handle a user input that is not a single number or letter IE. I gave the input, “Do you have a 3?” and the program crashed. If it does not parse for the number, it should at least tell me what I did wrong

-Perhaps consider sorting the cards when they are in the user’’s hand by frequency This would give the gamer a better idea of how close s/he is towards a match


  • The program is split into two modular python scripts. The first script “” creates a class of Cards, standard playing cards The second script “” uses “the” Cards to play gofish. “” can not be run on its own

The Cards class could very easily be used to implement any card game.


This game works very well in the command line due to the nature of the game which consists of the same question being asked over and over again.

I am not sure it was necessary to display the player or computers number of sets. This added information could probably be withheld (at least for the computer) and only displayed at the end of the game.

While this game can be played with a text input, it is impractical to play this game in such a manner.

There was no need for more advanced data structures in this game other than perhaps to sort the cards in hand.

Great game!