ECE 2524

Introduction to Unix for Engineers

Review of Mastermind


The project makefile ran as expected on the cvl and the README provided the instructions to run:

$ make
$ ./Mastermind

and the program started as expected.


The code is decently organized in the mastermind function where the action happens with a supplementary function to generate a code for the user to crack. I can tell for the most part what the programers were thinking and how things should flow. The code is somewhat modular with the random number generator but it does most of the work in a single function that could potentiall be broken up further as the game becomes more advanced.


This project is implimenting the Rule of Simplicity and Transperency as the code is broken up where is can be and it is easy to tell what the developers were thinking. A major improvement would have to be in error checking and designing functionality to not necessarily rely on correct user imput. There were a few ways I could exit out of the program or enter faulty responses and exit out of the game without wanting to.