ECE 2524

Introduction to Unix for Engineers

Review of Dont Touch the Zero


Compiling and using the project were both very simple. A makefile was included for ease of use and executing the project went smoothly. I was unable to test the makefile due to problems on my end, but it looked as if it would work properly and I was unable to see any errors in it’s format. The description in the README file looks like it might be out of date as it says there is only one game mode but there appear to be three to choose from. The instructions section; however, mentions all three available game modes. Outside of that, the README file was very useful in giving me a basic understand of how to play the game and the game itself provide the necessary instructions to get started.


The program is relatively easy to understand and is seperated into easy to understand sections. I feel like it might have benefitted from an abstract class for gamemode in order to reduce code repetition and so that it would be easier to add a future game mode if they so desired. I think there was a line missing in gameModeB to initialize the score as 0 in the constructor as the other two game modes did. One other improvement would be to allow the timed mode to time out when it reaches ten seconds instead of allowing the user to enter his input one more time after ten seconds has been reached.


The program seems to follow the filter pattern of the unix design interface which works well with what the game was designed to do. I feel the game abides be the rule of silence, the only things it displays are the score, time, and numbers necessary for the user to interact with it properly. The code does not use a data file, but I don’t feel one would be necessary nor do I feel it would simplify the program.