ECE 2524 - Unix and Object-Oriented Languages

ECE 2524

Introduction to Unix for Engineers

Unix and Object-Oriented Languages

Last modified

Self Study

  1. Program solutions can generally be divided into data structures, like lists, stacks and queues, and algorithms, like sort, tree traversal, etc. Of the two broad categories: “data structures” and “algorithms”, which is a more natural candidate for using an Object-Oriented style?

  2. OOP and non-OO styles may be sucessfully combined in the same project. Even though C is not an Object-Oriented language, we can implement the encapsulation of objects using C structs and a consistent naming convention for functions that operate on particular structs. Take a look at the source for the analytics library, which parts are implemented in more of an OO style and which are not?

  3. C++ is an Object-Oriented language, all of the Standard Containers are implemented as objects (click on a few and confirm they have a constructor). What about the algorithms provided by the STL, are they implemented as objects?