ECE 2524 - Object Oriented Python: dict to World object

ECE 2524

Introduction to Unix for Engineers

Object Oriented Python: dict to World object

Last modified

  • Review code in /usr/share/textadventure. Copy all *.py files and rooms.yaml into an empty directory in your home directory. Change to that directory and start the python interpreter. Run the following commands and observe the output.
>>> import game_helper as gh
>>> data = gh.load_yaml('rooms.yaml')
>>> print(type(data))
>>> print(data)
>>> world = gh.World( data )
>>> print(type(world))
>>> print(world)

The builtin function type returns the type of object of whatever is passed in as an argument. What is the type of data and what is the type of world?

  1. Write a Python program that executes the lines above. Set the permission of the file to allow execution and add an appropriate shebang line. This will make it easier to evaluate changes you make to the modules (you would need to quit and restart the interpreter each time to load changes made to imported modules).

  2. What is the purpose of the __str__ method in each of the classes defined in Try changing the string returned in those methods and then run the previous commands again.

  3. Write an Item class, modify the Room class to store an instance vairable self.items and populate the list with Item objects, similar to how World populates a list of Rooms.