ECE 2524 - Create an Original Programming Assignment (Optional)

ECE 2524

Introduction to Unix for Engineers

Create an Original Programming Assignment (Optional)

Last modified

This assignment is optional. If you complete it, your score will be counted as an extra homework grade.

Design a programming assignment

Write an assignment that would be suitable for next semester’s ECE2524 class. The scope should be similar to one of the 30 point assignments posted for this semester. The assignment you write could be written/creative, or technical/programming, or a combination. The assignment should be relevent to an “Introduction to Unix” course, but need not be restricted to the topics that we covered this semester. You do not need to supply a solution, but are of course welcome to do so if you choose.


In a separate README file answer the following questions regarding the assignment you proposed.

  1. Why is this assignment relevent to an Intro to Unix course?
  2. how does the assignment exercise or encourage Unix design philosophy?
  3. How should points be distributed for this assignment, i.e. what percentage should go to syntax, style, functionality, content, etc. If the solution fails to work at all (fails to compile, or fails to run) how should it be evaluated?

Test Specification (optional)

In a separate directory named features create one or more cucumber/aruba feature files that specify tests for all aspects of the finished program.


  • The assignment write-up should be in a file named and must be formated using markdown syntax.
  • commit your files and push to


The source files should exist in their own git repository, if you change to the directory containing your source files and run ls -a you should see a directory named .git. If not, run git init to initialize a git repository in the current directory. You should only run git init once for each new project.

Push your git repository to the remote at where USER is your git user name.

If you have initialized a new repo but have not added a remote yet:

$ git remote add origin

where is your git user name.

If you have already added a remote named origin, but the URL is incorrect, replace add with set-url in the above command. You can always check that remotes you have added by running git remote -v.

Remember, if this is the first time pushing to a new remote you need to specify a destination branch (usually `master`). Using the `-u` option will save this default destination for future pushes.

$ git push -u origin master