ECE 2524 - All together now

ECE 2524

Introduction to Unix for Engineers

All together now

Last modified

Signals Recap

Some comments after going through last week’s quiz results:

  1. The only thing dated about HUP is its name. It is still used in a meaningful way. Just like “The Rule of Silence”, what started as a technology constraint has persisted, evolving when necessary to adapt to modern technology and usage patterns.
  2. If we wanted to answer the question “how does program X respond to HUP”, what could we do?

Everything is a File (Descriptor)

Diagram from Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, by W. Richard Stevens. (eBook available if signed into VT Libraries)

Some examples:

  • /dev/pts/N
  • /proc/cpuinfo
  • /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness

Working with git remotes

Working with git remotes