Web Services

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There are a few rules which govern what you can put in your website on VT hosting services:

  1. You must comply with the VT Acceptable Use Policy
  2. You may not run a business of any kind. This means you can not sell anything using VT web services.
  3. You may not put questionable / objectionable things up (e.g., pornography)
  4. You may not violate copyrights. No file sharing through VT web services.


Faculty Personal Sites

You can request a personal site on VT Hosting or ECE Hosting.

VT Hosting URL's can be one of the following

  1. www.faculty.ece.vt.edu/NAME
  2. www.ece.vt.edu/NAME (redirects to www.faculty.ece.vt.edu/NAME
  3. www.NAME.ece.vt.edu

ECE Hosting URL's can be one of the following

  1. filebox.ece.vt.edu/~NAME
  2. www.NAME.ece.vt.edu

We generally recommend VT hosting. Please create a ticket and provide the desired domain name and hosting option for more information.

ECE Course site

ECE courses can be hosted by either VT Hosting or ECE Hosting

We generally recommend VT hosting. Please create a ticket and provide the desired domain name and hosting option for more information.

VT Hosting URL www.courses.ece.vt.edu/ece####

ECE Hosting URL filebox.ece.vt.edu/~ece###

VT Hosting

We generally recommend VT Hosting for your website. They support standard html/php/mysql websites, with the ability to give granular (file or folder specific) permissions to any VT PID, and have a dedicated team in case of problems.

More information can be found here: https://computing.vt.edu/content/quick-start-web-hosting-service

To request an ECE domain name for your group on VT Hosting, create a ticket and provide the desired ECE domain name (www.XYZ.ece.vt.edu)

ECE Hosting

We also provide the ability to host your individual or research group webpages on our web server, and we also support html/php/mysql websites.

If you have an ECE account, you will find a directory called "public_html" in your home directory. Any html or php pages you put in this directory will be available publicly on the internet as:




where <eceAccount> is your ECE account name.

  • Note: this is the tilda character "~" followed by your account name without the "< >" characters.

If you require a unique domain name for your website instead, please submit a ticket. Domain names can be anything.ece.vt.edu. We will point the domain name to your ECE account public_html folder.


If you want to run your own web server, we can also point a DNS entry (www.XYZ.ece.vt.edu) to the static address of your server. More information on requesting a static address can be found here: Network_Addresses

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